Since the Wagon is being pulled down hill is it increasing (C)
Since the Wagon is being pulled down hill is it - 1


Answer 1
Answer: Since the wagon is being pulled down hill with a constant velocity, all the forces of the wagon would be (C) increasing.
You are correct! **

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The relationship between the density of ocean water and the formation of deep currents. Difference in the tempature and salinity and the resulting differences in density cause variations int he movement of deep currents. For example, the deepest current , The Antarctic Bottom Water, is denser than the North Atlantic Deep Water. Both currents spread across the ocean floor as they flow toward eachother. Because less dense water always flows on top of denser water, The north Atlantic Deep Water flows on top of the Atlantic Bottom Water when the currents meet.

Which has more inertia a shopping cart full of groceries or an empty shopping cart


Ok, so you would want to define inertia before trying to answer the question. Inertia is basically the force of resistance on an object, or any change to its speed, because of natural factors, like friction or gravity. The shopping carts decribed above, based upon the definition of inertia, the shopping cart full of groceries would have more inertia.

Final answer:

Inertia is a property of an object that resists changes in motion, and its quantity is directly proportional to the object's mass. Therefore, a shopping cart full of groceries, having a greater mass, will exhibit more inertia than an empty shopping cart.


In physics, inertia refers to the tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion. The greater an object's mass, the greater its inertia, making it harder to start or stop its movement. In comparing a shopping cart full of groceries and an empty one, the cart full of groceries will have a higher mass, thus a greater inertia.

Consider an experiment where you exert the same amount of force on both carts. The full cart would be more resistant to change in motion and would move slower or a shorter distance than the empty one due to the higher inertia it possesses.

The same principle can be applied to a group of students using two carts (A and B) for a one-dimensional collision experiment. Cart B with unknown mass is initially at rest while cart A with known mass moves towards it. Since mass directly influences inertia, if cart B was loaded with materials (like a shopping cart full of groceries), it would be harder to shift its motion than if it were empty.

Learn more about Inertia here:


Which force changes Earth's surface most slowly?A) earthquake
B) erosion
C) volcano
D) landslide


erosion changes the earths surface slowly!
^_^...hope this helps!!!!

The magnitude of the gravitational field on the surface of a particular planet is 2g. The planet’s mass is half the mass of the Earth. What is the planet’s radius in terms of the radius Rg of Earth?


Final answer:

To find the planet's radius in terms of the radius Rg of Earth, use the equation g = GM/R^2 and substitute 2g for g. Solve for R to get R = sqrt(1/(2gMg)) * Rg.


To find the planet's radius in terms of the radius Rg of Earth, we need to understand the relationship between the gravitational field and the mass and radius of a planet. The magnitude of the gravitational field on the surface of a planet is given by g = GM/R2, where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the planet, and R is its radius. For the planet in question, we are told that the magnitude of the gravitational field is 2g and its mass is half the mass of Earth. Since the gravitational field is 2g, we can substitute g with 2g in the equation and solve for R in terms of Rg:

2g = GM/R2 → 2gR2 = GM → 2gR2 = (GMg)/(2Rg) → R2/Rg = 1/(2gMg) → R = sqrt(1/(2gMg)) * Rg

Learn more about Gravitational field here:


Final answer:

To find the radius of a planet with a gravitational field twice that of Earth's and half the mass, the radius is calculated to be half of Earth's radius.


The magnitude of the gravitational field strength g on a planet is given by the equation g = G(M/R^2), where G is the universal gravitation constant, M is the planet's mass, and R is the planet's radius. Given that the gravitational field on the surface of the particular planet is 2g where g is Earth's gravitational field, and the planet's mass is half of Earth's mass, we can derive the planet's radius in terms of Earth's radius Rg. Setting up the proportion (G(1/2M_Earth)/(R^2)) / (G(M_Earth)/(Rg^2)) = 2, and simplifying, we find that R^2 = (1/4)Rg^2. Taking the square root of both sides gives us the final relation R = (1/2)Rg.

Learn more about gravitational field strength here:


Describe the motion of particles in a material when this ultrasound wave passes through? Pls help , confused?
Thank you


Yes, the particles are just moving back and forth, not moving in any particular direction on average. For one, the particles are only moving in response to the sound wave, in perfect synchronization, and they aren't also moving constantly in random directions. If you had some material that would remain a gas at absolute zero, then a sound wave in that absolute-zero gas would look more or less like it. But for an everyday-volume sound wave in room-temperature air, the random thermal motion (which is always happening whether or not there is a sound wave) is much stronger than the motion caused by the sound wave. The only reason we notice a sound wave at all is because it is an ordered motion that carries energy in a particular direction. If you followed the motion of a single air molecule, it would look entirely random and there would be no trace of the sound wave. The sound wave only becomes apparent when you look at the large-scale pattern of density variations.The other weird thing about the animation is that the molecules stop moving and turn around without colliding with anything! It should be obvious that in a real gas made of electrically neutral particles, there is no long-distance force that would cause this to happen, and a moving particle would not change direction unless it actually collided with another particle.To answer your particular questions, yes, the whole medium is "vibrating" in that the density and pressure are increasing and decreasing periodically, as the gas flows back and forth. there doesn't have to be any well-defined cross-sectional shape for the sound wave. In fact, the simplest geometry to consider is a plane wave, which extends infinitely in all directions perpendicular to the direction of propagation. It's actually impossible to make a "beam" of sound that will propagate forever without spreading out. 
So, yea. Hope that helped.

Name three types of electromagnetic radiation that can travel through empty space


ALL electromagnetic radiation can travel through empty space.
A few examples are:

-- radio
-- heat
-- visible light
-- ultraviolet
-- X-rays