What is the isotope and isotopic notation symbol for Z = 29, A = 65?


Answer 1
Answer: Isotopes are atoms with the same number or protons and electrons but different numbers of neutrons. 
Here, we got Z = 29 so the charge of the nucleus is 29, and A is the atomic mass. 
Since the atom number (Z) is 29, so i guess the isotope is the Copper. 
Isotopic notation: Cu_(29)^(65)

Hope this Helps :)
Answer 2

Final answer:

The isotope with atomic number Z = 29 and atomic mass A = 65 is for Copper and its isotopic notation is 65Cu.


The isotope with atomic number Z = 29 and atomic mass A = 65 is for the element Copper (Cu). To write this in isotopic notation, you represent it as 65Cu. Here, the atomic number Z (number of protons) is represented by Cu and the mass number A (number of protons + neutrons) is represented by the superscript number 65. Thus, the isotope notation symbol for this is is 65Cu.

Learn more about Isotopic Notation here:



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Final answer:

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Learn more about The contributions of alchemists to the development of chemistry here:
