Balance the equation :

...NO2 + ...O2 + ...H2O = ...HNO3


Answer 1
Answer: We are going to do this by means of electronic balance:
N(IV)\Rightarrow\ N(V)+e^-|*4\n 2O(0)+4e^-\Rightarrow\ 2O^2^-\n 4NO_2+O_2+2H_2O\Rightarrow4HNO_3

If you hadn't learnt it yet, you would do it normally:
Count oxygens. To have even number of oxygen write "2" in fronf of H2O. Then to have equal hydrogen you have to add "4" in front of HNO3 and then NO2.

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aka: A


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Kc = [Fe3+]/ ([Ag+] [Fe2+]) 
Initial concentrations [Ag+]= [Fe2+]= 1.0 mol/ dm^3 [Fe3+] =0.0 mol/dm^3 
change: Ag+: (1.0 - .44) mol/dm^3 = 0.56 mol/ dm^3 = change of Fe2+. Change of Fe3+ is 0.56 mol/dm^3. 
Equilibrium concentrations [Ag+] = [Fe2+] = 0.44 mol/dm^3 [Fe3+] = 0.56 mol/dm^3 

Kc = 0.56/0.44^2 dm^3/mol = 2.89 dm^3 /mol

Final answer:

The equilibrium constant Kc for the given reaction is calculated as [Fe3+]/[Ag+][ Fe2+] = 1.76, which is not among the provided answer choices.


To calculate the equilibrium constant, Kc, for the reaction Ag + (aq) + Fe2+ (aq) <==> Ag(s) + Fe3+ (aq), you need to know the concentrations of the ions at equilibrium. According to the question, the concentration of Ag+ is 0.44 mol/1.00 dm^3. Because AgNO3 completely dissociates into Ag+ and NO3- ions, the initial concentration of Fe2+ would also be 1.00 mol/dm^3. Given that the reaction has gone to completion, the concentration of Fe2+ at equilibrium would be 0.56 mol/dm^3 (1.00 - 0.44).

Furthermore, the reaction creates an equivalent amount of Fe3+, so its concentration at equilibrium would also be 0.44 mol/dm^3.  Therefore, the equilibrium constant, Kc, is calculated as [Fe3+]/[Ag+][ Fe2+] = (0.44)/(0.44 * 0.56) = 1.76. Looking at the answer choices given, none of them matches with the calculated value. So, the correct value might be an option not mentioned here.

Learn more about Equilibrium constant here:


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correct answer is an atomic mass

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Answer: Step 1: List the known quantities and plan the problem. Known. 4.96 moles O2; 1 mol = 22.4

Explanation: I hope that helped.

The empirical formula for a compound is CH2. If n is a whole number, which shows a correct relationship between the molecular formula and the empirical formula? a)<br /><br /> empirical formula mass / molecular mass = n<br /><br /> B) molecular mass = element mass / empirical formula mass ´ 100<br /><br /> c) subscript of H in empirical formula = 2  subscript of H in molecular formula<br /><br /> D) subscript of C in molecular formula = n  subscript of C in empirical formula<br /><br />


An empirical formula is the "reduced" version of a molecular formula. For example, CH3 is the empirical formula for C2H6, C3H9, C4H12, and so forth. The difference in subscripts between an empirical formula and molecular formula is given by the constant n. If n is a whole number, this means the numerator is the molecular formula. So the answer is D. subscript of C in molecular formula = n  subscript of C in empirical formula. This can be rewritten as:

n = subscript of C in molecular formula/subscript of C in empirical formula




18°C = _____ -255 K 0 K 18 K 291 K


T K = ºC + 273

T = 18 + 273

T = 291 K

hope this  helps!


T = 291 K
