If the bird species cannot adapt to eat a different source of food, this species of bird will most likely


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer for the question that is presented is this one: "become extinct." If the bird species cannot adapt to eat a different source of food, this species of bird will most likely become extinct. Given the fact that the climate of the location changes very quickly, and the ecosystem becomes too cold for fruit trees to survive.

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The answer is: number of organisms an ecosystem can support.

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See where the liquid or whatever you're measuring meets with the numbers! And thats your answer!

Which nuclear emission is negatively charged?(1) an alpha particle
(2) a beta particle
(3) a neutron
(4) a positron


The nuclear emission that is negatively charged is \boxed{{\text{2}}{\text{. a beta particle}}}.

Further Explanation:

Radioactive decay:

Also known as nuclear decay, radioactivity, nuclear or radioactive disintegration. It is the process due to which an unstable atomic nucleus releases its energy in the form of various particles such as alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma particles.

Following are the types of radioactive decays:

1. Alpha decay

In this decay, alpha particles are emitted by unstable nuclei. An alpha particle is a helium nucleus with two protons and two neutrons. It has a charge of +2. The general equation for an alpha decay is as follows:

_{\text{Z}}^{\text{A}}{\text{X}} \to _{{\text{Z - 2}}}^{{\text{A - 4}}}{\text{X}} + _{\text{2}}^{\text{4}}{\text{He}}

2. Beta decay

In this decay, beta particles are produced. This occurs when the nucleus decays continuously and emits an electron or a positron. The general equation for beta decay is as follows:

_{\text{Z}}^{\text{A}}{\text{X}} \to _{{\text{Z + 1}}}^{\text{A}}{\text{X}} + _{{\text{ - 1}}}^{\text{0}}{\beta }}

Beta decay is further classified as follows:

(a){\beta }}^-} decay: In this decay, an electron and an electron antineutrino are emitted. The atomic number of the element is increased by one. Its general equation is as follows:

_{\text{Z}}^{\text{A}}{\text{X}}\to _{{\text{Z+1}}}^{\text{A}}{\text{X}}+{e^-}+{\mathop{\text{v}}\limits^-_{\text{e}}}

(b){\beta }}^+} decay or positron emission: In this decay, a positron and an electron neutrino are emitted. The atomic number of the element is decreased by one. Its general equation is as follows:

_{\text{Z}}^{\text{A}}{\text{X}} \to _{{\text{Z}} - 1}^{\text{A}}{\text{X}}+{e^+}+{{\text{v}}_{\text{e}}}

3. Gamma decay

In this decay, gamma rays are emitted. Energy is emitted during gamma decay but the number of protons remains unaltered. The general equation for gamma decay is as follows:

_{\text{Z}}^{\text{A}}{\text{X}} \to _{\text{Z}}^{\text{A}}{\text{X}} + _{\text{0}}^{\text{0}}{{\gamma }}

4. Neutron emission

It is the type of radioactive decay that occurs when one or more neutrons are ejected from a nucleus. Neutrons are the subatomic particles with no charge. Since only neutrons are removed from the atom, the number of protons as well electrons remain unaltered. This results in the formation of an isotope of the same element.

Therefore the negatively charged nuclear emission is a beta particle because an electron that is a negatively charged species is lost in {\beta }}^-} decay, a type of beta decay.

Learn more:

1. What nuclide will be produced in the given reaction? brainly.com/question/3433940

2. Calculate the nuclear binding energy: brainly.com/question/5822604

Answer details:

Grade: Senior School

Subject: Chemistry

Chapter: Nuclear chemistry

Keywords: alpha particle, beta particle, gamma decay, positron, negatively charged, neutron emission, radioactivity, radioactive decay, unstable atomic nucleus.

a beta particle is negatively charged

Which of the following is a properly written formula for a compound between copper and bromine? CuBR CUBR CuBr CUBr


Elements are represented by their symbols with the first letter capitalized and the rest in lowercase. Copper is represented by Cu and Bromine is represented by Br. When combined to for a compound, the format of the symbols remain. Hence, the correct format would be CuBr. Thus, the answer is C: CuBr.




If you can’t get a reading on one object like the fish fossil , what else can you try? Determine the approximate age of the fish fossil and explain what you did to estimate the fossil age.



Explanation:If you can't get a reading on a fish fossil, there are other methods you can try to determine its approximate age. Here's a step-by-step process to estimate the fossil age:

1. Relative Dating: Start by using the principles of relative dating. This method involves comparing the age of the fossil to the ages of other nearby fossils or rock layers. By studying the position of the fossil in the rock layers and the types of fossils found around it, you can make an estimate of its relative age.

2. Index Fossils: Look for index fossils, which are species that existed for a relatively short period of time but were widespread. By identifying an index fossil within the rock layers that contain the fish fossil, you can narrow down the possible time range during which the fish lived.

3. Radiometric Dating: If relative dating and index fossils don't provide a precise age estimate, you can turn to radiometric dating. This method involves measuring the decay of radioactive isotopes in the rock or fossil to determine its age. For example, you could analyze the ratio of parent isotopes to daughter isotopes in the fossil. By knowing the half-life of the radioactive isotope and the current ratio, you can calculate the approximate age.

4. Carbon-14 Dating: If the fish fossil is relatively recent (less than 50,000 years old), carbon-14 dating can be used. This method relies on the decay of carbon-14, a radioactive isotope found in living organisms. By measuring the amount of carbon-14 remaining in the fossil, you can estimate its age.

5. Other Methods: If all else fails, there are other techniques that paleontologists may use to estimate fossil age, such as studying the fossil's morphology, comparing it to known fossil records, or analyzing the chemical composition of the surrounding rocks.

Remember that estimating the age of a fossil is not always a straightforward process, and different methods can provide different ranges of accuracy. It's important to consider multiple lines of evidence and consult with experts in the field to obtain the most accurate estimate possible.

In the flame test, barium ions produce a green flame whereas calcium ions produce a red flame. In your own words, explain these observations in terms of the electron structure of these two ions. In other words explain how these different colors are produced and why using your understanding of atomic structure.



The Barium flame is green because it is a difficult flame to excite, therefore for it to trigger a flame it is necessary that it be too excited for it to occur.

The reddish color of calcium is due to its high volatility and it is sometimes very difficult to differentiate it from strontium.the compression of these elements is due to being able to make them work during combustion


The flame test is a widely used qualitative analysis method to identify the presence of a certain chemical element in a sample. To carry it out you must have a gas burner. Usually a Bunsen burner, since the temperature of the flame is high enough to carry out the experience (a wick burner with an alcohol tank is not useful). The flame temperature of the Bunsen burner must first be adjusted until it is no longer yellowish and has a bluish hue to the body of the flame and a colorless envelope. Then the tip of a clean platinum or nichrome rod (an alloy of nickel and chromium), or failing that of glass, is impregnated with a small amount of the substance to be analyzed and, subsequently, the rod is introduced into the flame, trying to locate the tip in the least colored part of the flame.

The electrons in these will jump to higher levels from the lower levels and immediately (the time that an electron can be in higher levels is of the order of nanoseconds), they will emit energy in all directions in the form of electromagnetic radiation (light) of frequencies characteristics. This is what is called an atomic emission spectrum.

At a macroscopic level, it is observed that the sample, when heated in the flame, will provide a characteristic color to it. For example, if the tip of a rod is impregnated with a drop of Ca2 + solution (the previous notation indicates that it is the calcium ion, that is, the calcium atom that has lost two electrons), the color observed is brick red .


The different colours produced come from the different wavelength of the spectrum of light as the excited electrons in the metals return to their original state on cooling down.


The flame test is an analytical procedure used to identify different metals by passing them through a flame.

The flame, which is a source of heat energy heats up the metals and excites their outermost electrons which transit to the next energy level. On cooling down, as the excited electrons return to their original state, they emit different colours corresponding to the spectrum of light. Electrons of larger atoms like Barium emit light of higher frequency and lower wavelength and hence exhibits colours closer to the ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spectrum while smaller atoms like Calcium emit light of lower frequency and higher wavelength and emit light closer to the infrared part of the spectrum

Baruim (atomic number 56) and Calcium (atomic number 20) are both metals in group two of the periodic table.

They both have two electrons in their outermost shell and are represented by Ba²⁺ and Ca²⁺.

When both metals are passed to through the flame test, the two outermost electrons in both metals are excited.

However because the outermost electrons in Barium are farther to the nucleus than those in Calcium, it takes a lesser amount of heat energy to excite them than that of Calcium which is closer to the nucleus.

The spectrum of light which is usually represented by 'ROYGBIV' has the following colours : Red, Orange,Yellow, Green, Indigo and Violet with Red having their highest wavelength (or shortest frequency) and Violet the shortest wavelength (or highest frequency).

Barium's green colour is because it outermost electrons emit light in the range of the Green spectrum of light and calcium's red colour is because its outermost electrons emit light in the range of the Red spectrum of light