Ever since the existence of humanity on Earth, human beings struggle to prove themselves to be true. It is believed that humanity has seen a succession of crises, wars and atrocities. However, this negative side is offset by advances in technology and cultural exchange. Nowadays, it has become appallingly obvious that technology has exceeded humanity. Furthermore, intentions are to invent new machines such as Television. Like many other electronic devices, TV presents benefits and nuisances. What can they be?
(I jazzed it up a bit in some places, hope this helps)
B) Robert wanted a new car however; he couldn't afford to buy one.
C) Robert wanted a new car; however he couldn't afford to buy one.
D) Robert wanted a new car; however, he couldn't afford to buy one.
D) Robert wanted a new car; however, he couldn't afford to buy one.
Two sentences can be joined with a semi-colon. The conjunctive adverb "however" must be followed by a comma. Robert wanted a new car; however, he couldn't afford to buy one. is correct.
I just did it on usatestprep.
B.North America
Good Morning
Answer : C
North America
I hope that's help !
Happy Sunday :)
become one with his soul
show that the past is crucial
B) A suffix can change the meaning of the root word.
C) A suffix is one or more syllables placed at the end of a root word.
D) A suffix is not considered a word part.
D) A suffix is not considered a word part. (False)
The statement above is false because a word can be made up of roots and suffixes. Once a suffix is added to the root of the word, the new word can be dismembered into root and suffixes. For example, the word: unexpensive is made up of the prefix un and the root expensive. However, the whole word is unexpensive. If you look up the word in the dictionary, you will find unexpensive; so it has the category of word.
b. have; carries
c. have; carry
d. has; carry