What letter represents the nitrogen base piars and how do theypair up


Answer 1

Final answer:

In DNA, the nitrogenous bases are represented by A for Adenine, T for Thymine, C for Cytosine, and G for Guanine. Adenine pairs with Thymine, and Cytosine pairs with Guanine, through hydrogen bonds.


In DNA, there are four nitrogen bases represented by the letters A (Adenine), C (Cytosine), G (Guanine), and T (Thymine). These bases form complementary base pairs, with A pairing with T, and C pairing with G. The bases are held together by hydrogen bonds, with A and T sharing two hydrogen bonds, while C and G share three. These bases are differentiated by their ring structures: Adenine and Guanine are double-ringed structures called purines, while Cytosine and Thymine are single-ringed structures known as pyrimidines. The pairing always occurs between one purine and one pyrimidine, which helps maintain the uniform shape and structure of the DNA molecule.

Learn more about Nitrogenous Base Pairing here:



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Final answer:

A covalent bond can form between atoms of equal electronegativity, where electrons are shared between the atoms.


The bond that can form between atoms of equal electronegativity is a covalent bond.

In a covalent bond, atoms share electrons to achieve a full outer electron shell. This type of bond occurs between nonmetallic elements or between identical atoms.

For example, in a σ (sigma) bond between two hydrogen (H) atoms, each hydrogen atom contributes one electron to the bond, resulting in a shared pair of electrons. Since hydrogen atoms have the same electronegativity, the bond is covalent.

Learn more about Covalent bond here:



Which isotope is used to date ancient artifacts such as fossils


Answer: Carbon-14 isotope is used to date ancient artifacts such as fossils.


To determine the age of ancient artifacts such as fossils, we use radiocarbon dating process.

In this process, a naturally occurring radioisotope of carbon which is Carbon-14 is used. This isotope is generally used because this isotope gets constantly created in the atmosphere with the interaction of cosmic rays with the nitrogen present in atmosphere.

Hence, an isotope of carbon which is Carbon-14 is used to determine the age of ancient artifacts such as fossils.

this dating is called CARBON 14 DATING...because Carbon 14 is the isotope used to date fossils...
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yes its correct, temperature is a measure of energy particles have, the more energy the faster they move and the higher the temp


What can be determined if only the atomic number of an atom is known?(1) the total number of neutrons in the atom, only
(2) the total number of protons in the atom, only
(3) the total number of protons and the total number of neutrons in the atom
(4) the total number of protons and the total number of electrons in the atom



(4) the total number of protons and the total number of electrons in the atom


-Atomic number is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. An atom is made up of energy shells and the central nucleus. The energy shells contains electrons that are negatively charged while the nucleus contains protons (positively charged) and neutrons (neutral).

-In a neutral atom, the number of protons and electrons are equal, thus the atomic number would indicate the number of electron and protons in an atom. The sum of protons and neutrons on the other hand gives the mass number.

It is the "(4) the total number of protons and the total number of electrons in the atom" that can be determined if only the atomic number of an atom is known.

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the boy needs the girl so bittayi of esey delik did fin

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can you explain what you're looking for
*food science* 
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