The SI base unit for mass is the _____. A. kilogram B. newton C. gram D. slug E. pound


Answer 1

Final answer:

The SI base unit for mass is the kilogram (kg), which is defined as the mass of a specific reference object. The gram (g) is a smaller unit of mass, equal to 1/1000 of a kilogram.


The SI base unit for mass is the kilogram (kg). It is defined as the mass of a specific reference object, which was originally one liter of pure water. In May 2019, the definition was changed to be based on fundamental physical constants. The gram (g) is a smaller unit of mass, equal to 1/1000 of a kilogram.

Learn more about kilogram here:


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The "Tragedy of the Commons" describes the conflict between a. Developing and developed nations. b. Individuals and society. c. Farmers and industrialized society. d. Canada and Mexico.


Final answer:

The 'Tragedy of the Commons' describes the conflict between individual interests and the well-being of the society, resulting in the overuse or depletion of shared resources to everyone's detriment.


The 'Tragedy of the Commons' is a concept that was popularised by ecologist Garrett Hardin to describe a predicament where individual interests and the well-being of society are in conflict. In this scenario, 'common' resources are shared by a group of individuals. Each individual, driven by self-interest, tends to overuse or deplete these resources, leading to overall degradation, despite its disadvantage to the group as a whole. Hence from the options, the correct one would be b. Individuals and society.

Learn more about Tragedy of the Commons here:


Final answer:

The 'Tragedy of the Commons' illustrates the conflict between individuals and society, where individual self-interests can lead to the depletion of a shared resource, to the detriment of society as a whole.


The 'Tragedy of the Commons' is a concept in social science that describes a dilemma where individuals, acting independently and rationally according to their own self-interest, behave contrary to the best interests of the whole group by depleting some common resource. Essentially, it reflects a conflict between individuals and society.

So the correct answer to your question would be b. individuals and society. This concept is often used in discussions about the environment where individuals deplete or harm the environment (the 'commons') for personal gain, to the detriment of society as a whole.

Learn more about Tragedy of the Commons here:


Density is ____ per unit volume.





The density of a substance is defined as the ratio of mass of the substance to the volume of the substance.

It is a scalar quantity.

Density = (mass)/(volume)

Its SI unit is kg/m^3.

By comparing the densities we get the idea about how dense the substance is.

For example, cotton and iron, the density of cotton is much less than iron so the cotton is less dense than iron.

The relative density is defined as the ratio of density of substance to the density of water at 4 degree C.

The density of water is maximum at 4 degree C.  

Final answer:

Density is the mass per unit volume.


Density is a physical property of matter that describes the mass of a substance per unit volume. It is typically expressed in units like grams per cubic centimeter or kilograms per cubic meter. Density helps identify and compare substances, as objects with higher density are heavier for a given volume, while less dense substances are lighter.

Density is the mass per unit volume of a substance or object, defined as p = m/V. The SI unit of density is kg/m³. For many situations, grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³) are used for the densities of solids and liquids, and grams per liter (g/L) are used for gases.

Learn more about Density here:


What temperature is required to transfer waste heat to the environment for a heat engine to be 100 percent efficient?


This can be seen as a trick question because heat engines can typically never be 100 percent efficient. This is due to the presence of inefficiencies such as friction and heat loss to the environment. Even the best heat engines can only go up to around 50% efficiency.


An infinite temperature


The efficiency of an engine is defined as:

\eta=1 -(T_C)/(T_H)


T_H is the temperature at which heat enters the engine

T_C is the temperature of the environment, to which the engine exhausts heat

From the formula, we see that for an engine to be 100% efficient, the fraction


must be equal to zero. Since the value of T_C is never zero (the temperature is expressed in Kelvin, and the temperature of the environment can never be exactly 0 K), the only possibility for that to occur is that the temperature at which heat enters the engine (T_H) is infinite, so that this fraction becomes zero and the efficiency becomes 1.

Astronauts in orbit are not truly weightless.


They are not weightless since there is no gravity there is nothing holding them down causing their weight to decrease in space


it is true


What is the main fuel consumed in the core of a red giant?a. H
b. C
c. Fe
d. He


What is the main fuel consumed in the core of a red giant?
main fuel consumed in the core of a red giant is He or helium. The answer is letter D.

At what water temperature will additional heat energy need to be added before the temperature will change again?A. –10°C
End of exam
B. 0°C
C. 10°C
D. 110°C


That would be 0 degrees Celsius aka the melting point of water.... If you look at the diagram I attached you notice that at 0 degrees Celsius it is flat, this is because much heat is needed at this point for water to rise to 1 degree... It is the same for the boiling point (100)