Buses and lines on a computer chip connect to transistors, creating intricate electric circuits. These circuits, made possible by silicon-based integrated circuits, handle the binary code used in modern computing and operate on a nanoscopic scale.
In a computer chip, buses and lines connect to transistors, creating an intricate electric circuit. Transistors, behaving like on-off switches, handle digital signals that represent binary code; a transistor is either on or off. Integrated circuits, made from silicon or other semiconductors, contain vast collections of transistors, allowing for massive and complex data manipulation.
Silicon-based integrated circuits have revolutionized computer technology by integrating transistors and capacitors in a space-efficient manner, enabling the creation of densely packed circuitry required for modern computing devices like computers and cell phones. Such devices contain electric circuits with features as small as a nanometer.
These transistors are interconnected through buses and lines, known as the electrical pathways. These pathways are created using ultraprecise chemical treatments of the silicon or other semiconductors, which provides the precision needed for the minuscule scale of circuitry.
Answer: Jumper configuration
Explanation: The situation occurred in the operating system must be of jumper configuration in which the electrical power gets only through the certain parts of the computer's circuit boards. Jumper configuration can configure the setting of the devices such as motherboard ,modems, etc. It has a design in which the collection of pins embedded on it in a box shaped structure.
The factor which determines the structure as well as features of an information system used throughout an organization is referred to as Competitive Strategy.
The competitive strategy of a company is concerned with how to compete in the business sectors wherein the company participates as well as operations.
In other terms, competitive strategy defines how well a company expects to develop as well as sustain a competitive edge over competitors.
Thus the above answer i.e., "option A" is correct.
Find out more information about competitive strategy here:
The correct option is A: Competitive Strategy
The competitive strategy of an organization is the factor that determines the function, feature and structure of the information system that will be used. The value of its brand has nothing to do with the form of info system to be used, neither is the size of the company a determinant factor of the information system to be used. You cannot determine your own information system structure and function by that of a competitor. Hence the correct option is A. In every organization, the information system has great impact on competitive advantage in differentiation or cost.
b.the computer that houses an Internet connection
c. an account designated by a user name
d. the receiver of an e-mail message.
B. Guidelines
C. Procedural section
D. Index
The specific codinginformation about each section located in the CPT Guideline. The correct option is B.
The Guideline part of the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) often contains specific coding information for each segment.
The Guidelines offer guidelines and standards for correctly assigning CPT manual codes.
This section aids coders in accurately identifying and reporting processes or services provided by healthcare providers and helps to ensure proper coding practises.
The American Medical Association (AMA) publishes and updates the CPTmanual, which is widely used in the healthcare sector to code medical operations and services.
Thus, the correct option is B.
For more details regarding CPT, visit:
Answer:. TRUE
b. Automatically saves a copy of your e-mail
c. Finds sites devoted to a particular subject
d. Links you to the Web