Will, _____________ we met yesterday, is going to groom our dogs. _________ was he again? I don't remember meeting anyone. a.whom; whom b.who; whom c.who; who d.whom; who


Answer 1
Answer: The correct choice is:

b. who; whom

So, the sentence would be: "Will, who we met yesterday, is going to groom our dogs. Whom was he again? I don't remember meeting anyone."

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The charge of the light brigade tell the story of their glorious victory on the battle of bleinheim.
If you have to choose one word that represent the mood, i think it would be Joyful or happy

Hope this helps

Which of the following is an abstract noun?A. Honesty
B. Coffee Cup
C. Pencil Sharpener
D. Counter top


Theabstract noun from the above choices is letter A: HonestyAbstractwords are words in which nobody could touch or is not visible but gives anidea. The rest of the choices can be seen and touched.Nounsare names of a person, animal, place, event, etc. It could be proper or commonnoun. Common nouns are names of general items and you find them everywhere yougo. These words are not usually capitalized, except if it is the starting wordin a sentence. Proper nouns on the other hand are more specific names and theyare capitalized.

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B. Torturing prisoners at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay
C. Resuming the Cold War with Russia
D. Ethnic profiling of potential terrorist


The correct answer is C. Resuming the Cold War with Russia.

Indeed, in 2004, Russian was hardly a concern for America and the West. The Iraq war was raging, Bin Laden was on the run and taunted Bush with a video that was aired on Al Jazeera, Islamic terrorism was rampant and Russia was very busy with its Second Chechen War.

The issue which was definitely not discussed during 2004 elections was C. Resuming the Cold War with Russia - Russia and Soviet Union have had amicable relationship since 1990s, and noone would want to risk a war with Russia, since both countries are powerful and such a war would be very devastating.

Analyze this poem: In this strange labyrinth how shall I turn,
Ways are on all sides while the way I miss:
If to the right hand, there, in love I burn,
Let me go forward, therein danger is.
If to the left, suspicion hinders bliss;
Let me turn back, shame cries I ought return:
Nor faint, though crosses my fortunes kiss,
Stand still is harder, although sure to mourn.
This let me take the right, or left hand way,
Go forward, or stand still, or back retire:
I must these doubts endure without allay
Or help, but travel finde for my best hire.
Yet that which most my troubled sense doth move,
Is to leave all, and take the thread of Love.

Themes, literary divices etc.


This might be about the hardships of love in an environment where love s not acceptable in the way you feel it. But this might be totally incorrect, so just think about my answer, not copy it.

The writer of Animal Farm used a pseudonym. true or false


the answer to this question  is true

hope this helps
sorry if im late

What is the preposition in the sentence "Carla decided to practice her music before she started the homework for the next day."


Prepositions are the ones that gives information to the reader, like information about the place or about the description. Examples of prepositions are: behind, below, about, from, to, with, etc. So, in the sentence ¨carla decided to practice her music before she started the homework for the next day¨, the preposition is TO, BEFORE and FOR. 

First we have to understandwhat prepositions are. They are words that indicate the location. This are someexamples, the floor, the movie theater, the car, and behind the school.Prepositions include words that are associated with location. These are someexamples, about, after, for, but, behind, etc.

In this sentence theprepositions are To, Before, and For.

 I hope it helps,Regards.