What is the equation for the energy of a photon? a) E = mc^2 b) E = hf c) E = 1/2 mv^2 d) E = GmM/r


Answer 1


E = h\, f, where h is Planck's Constant and f is the frequency of this photon.


The energy E of a photon is proportional to its frequency. This relationship is known as Planck's Relation:

E = h\, f,


  • h \approx 6.626 * 10^(-34)\; {\rm J \cdot s} is Planck's Constant, and
  • f is the frequency of this photon.

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Who will give me answer I will give you brainliest..... ​
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The correct answer is B) Conductor

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D. Herb
I hope that helps! :)

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