Wall Welding should record warranty expense based on experience with past claims (3% of total sales). So if total sales were $350,000 you multiply that by 3% = $10,500.
The $4,000 left in the estimated warranty payable account belongs to previous years and should not alter the current year calculations.
It’s motion I’m guessing that’s what I got
b. create a shortage of goods
c. cause consumers to buy less
d. lead to economic growth
d. lead to economic growth
b) There will be a surplus of workers.
c) The minimum wage will rise to meet equilibrium.
d) The minimum wage will fall to meet equilibrium.
Lowering the discount rate can promote full employment because
a) employees are more likely to apply for multiple jobs
b) employees are able to get better offers for hourly wages
c) companies are more likely to expand and hire more workers
d)companies are less likely to sign up employees for unemployment insurance
How do member banks of the Federal Reserve differ from other depository institutions?
a) They participate in the Federal Open Market Committee.
b) They receive services from the regional Federal Reserve Bank.
c) They are stockholders in their regional Federal Reserve Bank.
d) They are subject to the banking regulations issued by the Federal Reserve.
Which of the following circumstances usually comes before a period of economic contraction?
a) Decreasing inflation
b) High unemployment
c) Low GDP
d) Peak production
Use this image to answer the following question. When the economy is operating at point C, the U.S. Congress is most likely to follow
a) expansionary fiscal policy
b) contractionary fiscal policy
c) expansionary monetary policy
During a cold winter, there is a natural-gas shortage. The government sets a price ceiling on natural gas so that people can continue to afford heating. If the price ceiling remains in effect, what will happen?
a) Quantity demanded will exceed the quantity supplied.
b) Quantity demanded will equal the quantity supplied.
c) Quantity demanded and supplied will reach price equilibrium.
d) Quantity demanded will be lower than the quantity supplied.
e) Which of these could result from decreased federal spending?
f) Advances in the space program
g) Fewer social programs
h) Increased national debt
i) More government regulation
1-, 2c; 3d; 4c, 5- , 6.a,f.
1. there isn't diagram
2. c The reason is that, customers will not, therefore, pay a lower price for the products, the company will be obtaining greater gains, being able to expand and acquire new future hires.
3. d They are subject to the banking regulations issued by the federal Reserve. The difference is the reserve, the Banks are regulated by the rules of the federal reserve.
4.c. Low GDP. the economy goes into recession or contraction, after 2 consecutive quarters of fall in the pib
5. -
6. a the quantity demanded will exceed the quantity supplied
f.Advances in the space program
Note your net income
The first step in creating a budget is to identify the amount of money you have coming in. Remember to subtract your deductions, such as for Social Security, taxes, 401 and flexible spending account allocations, when creating a budget worksheet. Your final take-home pay is called net income, and that is the number you should use when creating a budget.
Track your spending
It’s helpful to keep track of and categorize your spending so you know where you can make adjustments. Doing so will help you identify what you are spending the most money on and where it might be easiest to cut back. Begin by listing all your fixed expenses. These are regular monthly bills such as rent or mortgage, utilities or car payments.
It’s unlikely you’ll be able to cut back on these, but knowing how much of your monthly income they take up can be helpful.
Set your goals
Long-term goals, such as saving for retirement or your child’s education, may take years to reach. Remember, your goals don’t have to be set in stone, but identifying your priorities before you start planning a budget will help.
Make a plan
With your fixed expenses, you can predict fairly accurately how much you’ll have to budget for. Use your past spending habits as a guide when trying to predict your variable expenses. You might choose to break down your expenses even further, between things you need to have and things you want to have.
Adjust your habits if necessary
Once you’ve done all this, you have what you need to complete your budget. Having documented your income and spending, you can start to see where you have money left over or where you can cut back so that you have money to put toward your goals. Want-to-have expenses are the first area to look for spending cuts. Try adjusting the numbers you’ve tracked to see how much money that frees up.
Lastly, if the numbers still aren’t adding up, you can look at adjusting your fixed expenses. You might be surprised at how much extra money you accumulate by making one minor adjustment at a time.
Keep checking in
Whatever the reason, keep checking in with your budget following the steps above.
i do not know
b. Adam Smith
c. George Washington
d. Thomas Jefferson
B. Adam Smith