If you can’t get a reading on one object like the fish fossil , what else can you try? Determine the approximate age of the fish fossil and explain what you did to estimate the fossil age.


Answer 1


Explanation:If you can't get a reading on a fish fossil, there are other methods you can try to determine its approximate age. Here's a step-by-step process to estimate the fossil age:

1. Relative Dating: Start by using the principles of relative dating. This method involves comparing the age of the fossil to the ages of other nearby fossils or rock layers. By studying the position of the fossil in the rock layers and the types of fossils found around it, you can make an estimate of its relative age.

2. Index Fossils: Look for index fossils, which are species that existed for a relatively short period of time but were widespread. By identifying an index fossil within the rock layers that contain the fish fossil, you can narrow down the possible time range during which the fish lived.

3. Radiometric Dating: If relative dating and index fossils don't provide a precise age estimate, you can turn to radiometric dating. This method involves measuring the decay of radioactive isotopes in the rock or fossil to determine its age. For example, you could analyze the ratio of parent isotopes to daughter isotopes in the fossil. By knowing the half-life of the radioactive isotope and the current ratio, you can calculate the approximate age.

4. Carbon-14 Dating: If the fish fossil is relatively recent (less than 50,000 years old), carbon-14 dating can be used. This method relies on the decay of carbon-14, a radioactive isotope found in living organisms. By measuring the amount of carbon-14 remaining in the fossil, you can estimate its age.

5. Other Methods: If all else fails, there are other techniques that paleontologists may use to estimate fossil age, such as studying the fossil's morphology, comparing it to known fossil records, or analyzing the chemical composition of the surrounding rocks.

Remember that estimating the age of a fossil is not always a straightforward process, and different methods can provide different ranges of accuracy. It's important to consider multiple lines of evidence and consult with experts in the field to obtain the most accurate estimate possible.

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Sunlight i think thats the answer

Which element has an atom with the greatest attraction for electrons in a chemical bond? A) As B) Bi C) N D) P


Answer is: C) N.

Nitrogen (N) has greatest electronegativity.

Electronegativity (χ) is a chemical property that describes the tendency of an atom to attract a shared pair of electrons towards itself.  

Atoms with higher electronegativity attracts more electrons towards it, electrons are closer to that atom.  

Nitrogen has electronegativity χ = 3 and other elements have less.

\boxed{{\text{C) N}}} has the greatest attraction for electrons in a chemical bond.

Further explanation:


It is the tendency of an atom to attract the shared electrons in the bond towards itself. More the electronegativity of the atom, higher will be its tendency to attract the bonding electrons towards itself. The electronegative atom develops a partial negative charge and the electropositive atom develops a partial positive charge.

Electronegativity trends in the periodic table:

Along the period, electronegativity increases due to the increase in the nuclear charge. This results in the strong attraction of electrons.

Down the group, electronegativity decreases due to an increase in the size of elements. This results in a lesser attraction between the nucleus and the electron.

All the given elements (As, Bi, N, P) are present in the same group of the periodic table. Nitrogen is present at the top of the group so it has the highest electronegativity among the given elements. Phosphorus is present below nitrogen but above As and Bi so its electronegativity is less than nitrogen but more than the remaining elements. Arsenic is present above Bi so it has more electronegativity than Bi. Bismuth is present at the bottom of the group so it has the least electronegativity among the given elements.

Therefore, nitrogen has the greatest tendency to attract electrons towards itself in a chemical bond.

Learn more:

1. Which ion was formed by providing the second ionization energy? brainly.com/question/1398705

2. Write a chemical equation representing the first ionization energy for lithium: brainly.com/question/5880605

Answer details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Chemistry

Chapter: Periodic classification of elements

Keywords: electronegativity, electron, N, P, As, Bi, group, period, increase, decrease, attraction, chemical bond, nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, bismuth.

A chemical reaction has two elements as reactants. Which type of reaction might occur?


Chemical changes are a result of chemical reactions. All chemical reactions involve a change in substances and a change in energy. Neither matter or energy is created or destroyed in a chemical reaction---only changed. There are so many chemical reactions that it is helpful to classify them into 4 general types which include the following:SYNTHESIS REACTION
In a synthesis reaction two or more simple substances combine to form a more complex substance. Two or more reactants yielding one product is another way to identify a synthesis reaction. 
For example, simple hydrogen gas combined with simple oxygen gas can produce a more complex substance-----water!
The chemical equation for this synthesis reaction looks like:

reactant + reactant -------> product
To visualize a synthesis reaction look at the following cartoo
In the cartoon, the skinny bird (reactant) and the worm (reactant) combine to make one product, a fat bird.
In a decomposition reaction a more complex substance breaks down into its more simple parts. One reactant yields 2 or more products. Basically, synthesis and decomposition reactions are opposites.
For example, water can be broken down into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. The chemical equation for this decomposition reaction looks like:

reactant -------> product + product
To visualize a decomposition reaction look at the following cartoon:
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In a single replacement reaction a single uncombined element replaces another in a compound. Two reactants yield two products. For example when zinc combines with hydrochloric acid, the zinc replaces hydrogen. The chemical equation for this single replacement reaction looks like:

reactant + reactant ---------> product + product
To visualize a single replacement reaction look at the following cartoon:

Notice, the guy in the orange shirt steals the date of the other guy. So, a part of one of the reactants trades places and is in a different place among the products.
In a double replacement reaction parts of two compounds switch places to form two new compounds. Two reactants yield two products. For example when silver nitrate combines with sodium chloride, two new compounds--silver chloride and sodium nitrate are formed because the sodium and silver switched places. The chemical equation for this double replacement reaction looks like:

reactant + reactant ---------> product + product
To visualize a double replacement reaction look at the following cartoon:
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ombustion (burning) is an exothermic chemical reaction.The next two pa




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