Konu insan gibi ve mesaj ona ne söylemek istiyorsun.
I am not a native but i tried to answer.
What do all consumer services jobs have in common?
customer service skills
scharakteryzuj relacje łączącą obie siostry. powiedz czy dziewczyny mają do siebie zaufanie. proszę szybko
Potrzebujemy przejścia
Is Exxon common or proper noun!???
Proper noun it is naming some thing by name if that makes system
it is a proper part of speech because a proper noun is capitalized
What is this sentence missing: Clothes and shoes scattered around the room.
There are clothes and shoes all over the room.
Demonstrati in 20 de randuri ca poezia ,,Farmec de noapte" de Dimitrie Anghel apartine speciei pastel
Pastelul:este o creatie lirica,descriptiva,c are prin intermediul unui peisaj transmite simtamintele eului liric. Trasaturi:*prezentarea unor caractere a anotimpurilor ori a unui colt de natura. *prin tabloul creat sunt exprimate simtamintele eului liric. *prezenta figurilor de stil. *principalul mod de expunere este descrierea. (la trasaturi dai la fiecare cate un exemplu,spor!)