Hello everyone! Minasanga
I hope you're doing well
If this happens in real life, please tell me, there are only a few times when you played a real role, and you did it in real life. ) I hope you enjoy these 50 points. ! It seems that I do these things every time I go to school. Everyone has a phantom thief, Sur-chan. So I saw one of your jobs that I wanted to say, "Welcome," so I'll take it north, and I said thank you: D - Jei (Kousui name)
こんにちは、Jeiさん!みんなさんがうまくやっていることを願っています。これを理解できたら、教えてください。あなたが翻訳者を使ったのは少し悲しいですが、実際にそれを尊敬しています:)この50ポイントを楽しんでいただければ幸いです!毎週水曜日にこれらを提供する予定です。誰でも回答できます!チャンスがあります。そして、私があなたの質問に1つ答えたのを見たら、ようこそと言います、そして私はそれを報告します、私はありがとうと答えました:D - ジェイ
English Translation:
Hello, Jei! I hope everyone is doing well. I would appreciate it if you could explain this. I'm a bit sad that you used a translator, but I actually respect that you did: ) I hope you enjoy these 50 points! I plan to provide these every Wednesday. Anyone can answer! There's a chance. And when I see that I've answered one of your questions, I'll say welcome, and I'll report it, and I'll say thank you: D - Jei