When atoms react they form a chemical bond which is defined as?


Answer 1
Answer: A force of attraction that holds atom together
When atoms react they form a chemical bond which is defined as a force of attraction that holds atom together. A force of attraction is defined as a kind of force that draws two or more objects together regardless of distance. There are two major categories of forces of attraction, one is intramolecular and intermolecular. Intramolecular forces is the presence of forces in atoms internally. While intermolecular is the force by which the force that is existent in two or more elements.

Answer 2

Final answer:

A chemical bond forms when atoms react, creating an electrical attraction that results in a molecule. Molecules can be formed from the same or different elements. Chemical reactions involve the forming or breaking of these bonds.


When atoms react, they form a chemical bond. This bond is an electrical attraction, either weak or strong, that holds atoms in proximity to each other. The formation of this bond results in a stable grouping known as a molecule, which can be composed of the same or different elements. An example of this is H2, or molecular hydrogen. When the molecule is formed from different elements, it's called a chemical compound, such as H₂O (water) or CH4 (methane).

Chemical bonds form because it is energetically favorable for atoms to have a full outermost electron shell, creating stability. Atoms can obtain this stable configuration by donating, accepting, or sharing electrons with other atoms. Chemical reactions occur when these bonds are formed or broken, transforming the reactants (starting materials) into products (end results).

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The substance that is being dissolved is called the solute and the substance that does the dissolving is called the solvent. So the solvent dissolves in the solute the forming a solution. 

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The answer is (2). You can think about this question in terms of the Bohr's model of the atom or in terms of quantum chemistry. In the Bohr model, electrons exist in discrete "shells," each respresenting a fixed spherical distance from the nucleus in which electrons of certain energy levels orbit the nucleus. The larger the shell (the greater the "orbit" radius), the greater the energy of the "orbiting" electron (I use quotations because electrons don't actually orbit the nucleus in the traditional sense, as you may know). Thus, according to the Bohr model, a third shell electron should be farther from the nucleus and have greater energy than an electron in the first shell.The quantum model is differs drastically from the Bohr model in many ways, but the essence is the same. A larger principal quantum number indicates 1) greater overall energy and 2) a probability distribution spread a bit more outward.

Which type of change must occur to form a compound? (1) chemical (3) nuclear(2) physical (4) phase?


The correct answer is (1) Chemical


A compound is the result of two or more chemical elements that bond to form new substances; for example, water is a compound because this contains two hydrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom. Moreover, compounds are the result of a chemical change that occurs as two or more substances interact in a chemical reaction, and this leads to the formation of bonds between the substances or the formation of compounds.

On the other hand, a physical change involves only a change in the state of the matter and a nuclear change leads to a change in the atom rather. Thus, the type of change that must occur to form a compound is a chemical change.

Let's go through each of the answers and think about why they work or don't work. 

Chemical forms compounds. 

Nuclear changes the element completely. We're going to use the sun as an example. The sun is in a state of plasma. It's really hot and has all these particles hitting into each other. The nucleus' of atoms are hitting into each other forming larger elements. It's real crazy. Nuclear is not correct. 

Physical cannot form a compound. 

Homogeneous mixture definition


It is a mixture that is uniform in both composition and properties.


It is a mixture that is uniform in both composition and properties.


What would happen if you didn't have chemical energy in your body


According to law of thermodynamics, energy can neither be created nor can be destroyed. It can be converted from one from one form to another. 

Hence, the food that we eat is a source of energy. The chemical energy stored in food, is utilized for various function of body such as breathing, walking, talking, etc. Now, if you body does not have chemical energy, if will not be able to perform various task, which are essential for living. 

Due to this, absence of  chemical energy in the body, can will eventually lead to death.
If you body does not have chemical energy it will slowly shut down due to its metabolism not being able to intake more food and water. This will eventually lead to death.