Completa las oraciones con el miembro de la familia apropraiado what does this mean.


Answer 1
Answer: This means: Complete the sentence with the family memeber appropriately.
Answer 2
Answer: This Means:

Complete The Sentences With The Family Member Appropriately.

Best Answer Please!

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Is videos feminine or masculine in Spanish

What does ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? mean and how would you answer?


1. The meaning of ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?

In English, this means What is today's date? so, when telling the date in present, we use the verb ser whose conjugation in this case is es as indicated in the question, so the formula is:

¿Cuál + es - conjugation of the verb ser  + la fecha de hoy?

2. How would we answer?

We must answer this question using the following formula:

Hoy + es - conjugation of the verb ser + day plus month and year

Therefore, this is as follows:

- ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?

- Hoy es 3 de Octubre del 2018

¿Cual es la fecha de hoy? - What is today's date?

To answer it, say, "La fecha de hoy 9 de marzo."
Which means, "Today's date is March 9."

Hope this helped!

Which is the characteristic that impressed Ana's friend the most about the new girl in school?



She is new.


Ana's friend was impressed by Ana because she was the new girl at school and she was nice but she wanted to make too many friends because she was a bit introverted. That's why Ana's friend felt confortable being her friend.


a)-Una Orden:----------------------------------------------------------------

b)-Un ruego: -----------------------------------------------------------------

c)- Una Afirmación:----------------------------------------------------------

d)- Una probabilidad:-------------------------------------------------------------

2) Subrayen de cada oración los verbos conjugados e indiquen a que modo pertenecen

Me ayudan por fa es para mañana 19/5/16 :D


no se entiende las opciones

How do decomposers interact with their ecosystem.


Decomposers interact with the ecosystem by making the solid more fertile.

Decomposers are organism that feed on dead organic matter but they also break down organisms to the their base materials, that is to their organic and inorganic components. Organisms such as fungi take the dead organic matter and after breaking it down to base components release it back into the soil thus fertilizing it and making it possible for a new life to thrive in the ecosystem.

Decomposers get nutrients and energy by breaking down dead organisms and animals wastes.

1. Choose the correct pronoun for the following sentence. Yo ____ doy los chocolates a mi hermana. le me nos te 2. Choose the correct pronoun for the following sentence. Mis amigos ____ dan las flores a nosotros. me le nos te 3. Choose the correct pronoun for the following sentence. Tú ____ das las películas a ellos. me te les le 4. Choose the appropriate ending for the following sentence. La escuela te da mucha tarea… a ti. a él. a usted. a ellas. 5. Choose the appropriate ending for the following sentence. Mi padre nos da dinero… a vosotros. a nosotros. a ellos. a ellas. 6. Choose the appropriate verb to complete the sentence. Yo _______ muchos regalos de mi padre. recibo recibes reciben recibe 7. Choose the appropriate verb and/or pronoun to complete the sentence. Yo _________ los juguetes a mi hermano. le da me da le doy me doy 8. Choose the appropriate verb and/or pronoun to complete the sentence. Nosotros __________ la música a ellos. les doy les dan le das les damos


Choose the correct pronoun for the following sentence.

1. Yo ____ doy los chocolates a mi hermana. le me nos te

Answer 1: Yo le doy los chocolates a mi hermana.

Translation 1: I give the chocolates to my sister.

2. Mis amigos ___ dan las flores a nosotros. me le nos te

Answer 2: Mis amigos nos dan las flores a nosotros.

Translation 2: My friends give flowers to us.

3. Tú ____ das las películas a ellos. me te les le

Answer 3:les das las películas a ellos.

Translation 3: You give the movies to them.

Choose the appropriate ending for the following sentences.

4. La escuela te da mucha tarea… a ti. a él. a usted. a ellas.

Answer 4: La escuela te da mucha tarea a ti.

Translation 4: The school gives you a lot of homework.

5. Mi padre nos da dinero… a vosotros. a nosotros. a ellos. a ellas.

Answer 5: Mi padre nos da dinero a nosotros.

Translation 5: My father gives us money.

Choose the appropriate verb to complete the sentence.  

6. Yo _______ muchos regalos de mi padre. recibo recibes reciben recibe

Answer 6: Yo recibo muchos regalos de mi padre.

Translation 6: I receive many gifts from my father.

Choose the appropriate verb and/or pronoun to complete the sentence.

7. Yo _________ los juguetes a mi hermano. le da me da le doy me doy

Answer 7: Yo le doy los juguetes a mi hermano.

Translation 7: I give the toys to my brother.

8. Nosotros __________ la música a ellos. les doy les dan le das les damos

Answer 8: Nosotros les damos la música a ellos.

Translation 8: We give music to them.


1- Le

2- Nos

3- Le

4- A ti

5- A nosotros

6- Recibo

7- Le doy

8- Les damos

Una oracion con dispersion


Un divorcio es una dispersion entre un esposo y una esposa.