A cylindrical can hold three tennis balls. The height of the stacked balls is 9 inches.~About what percentege of the volume of the can is NOT occupied by the tennis balls?
A 33%
B 45%
C 67%
D 75%


Answer 1
Answer: Since there are 3 and assuming that they're the same size each radius is 1.5, as is the radius of the base of the cylinder. So you have to figure out the volume of one of the balls and multiply it by three. Formula: (4/3) * pi * radius^3. The volume of all three is 42.42. Then you need to find the volume of the cylinder. formula: pi * h * r^2. So it is 63.62. You now take this measure and subtract the volume of the three balls: 21.2in^3. To find the percentage, take 21.2/63.62. Then multiply by 100. The answer is 33.32, so your final answer is A.

Answer 2
Answer: the answer to ur question is A 33%

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For the week 600 students purchased school lunch. Monday 100 student bought a school lunch. Tuesday 50 student brought school lunch. How many student bought school lunch for the rest of the week if the school sold all 600 lunches


450 students

Final answer:

After subtracting the number of lunches bought on Monday and Tuesday from the week's total, it is found that 450 students bought school lunch for the rest of the week.


The question is asking you to figure out how many students bought school lunch for the rest of the week after Monday and Tuesday's sales were considered. Using simple subtraction, deduct the number of lunches bought on Monday and Tuesday from the total for the week:

  • Monday: 100 lunches
  • Tuesday: 50 lunches
  • Week total: 600 lunches

To calculate, we take the week total and minus Monday and Tuesday's sales (600 - 100 - 50) which gives us 450. Therefore, 450 students bought school lunch for the rest of the week.

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If a is an integer, when is a/b always equal to an integer?


a/b is always equal to an integer if the answer is a positive or negative whole number or zero. The answer cannot be a fractional number.

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so area=pi times radius^2
113.04=pi times radiu^2
aprox pi to 3.14
113.04=3.14 times radius^2
divide both sides by 3.14
square root
te radious is 6 feet



Step-by-step explanation:

Is 31.010 greater or less or equal to 31.01


Well, lets look at it  this way ... tell me if this does anything for you:

-- Take the number  31.01 .

-- Stick a zero on the end and make it  31.010 .

-- Zeros at the end of a number after the decimal point don't change
the value of the number.  So you haven't changed the value of  31.01 .

-- But now it looks exactly like the other number !

-- They must be equal.

Does this float your boat at all ?

31.010 is = to 31.01

the reason being that the 0 on the end of 31.010 is just there for to hold an unwanted place value.

Ex. 0.70 is the same as 0.7 because the zero is just holding a place value. It's not wrong to put in the zero but its better if you don't.

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the answer is 122,000
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Often, mixed number are used in terms of amounts of something. You would never say I have 16/5 pies. You would say I have 3 full pies and 1/5 of another pie. 

In this example, 3 1/5 is better to use than the improper 16/5

Hope this helps!