Which statement regarding significant figures is false? a. Zeros can be significant
b. When multiplying, the answer is determined by the number of significant figures
c. When adding, the answer is determined by the number of decimal places
d. When dividing, the answer is determined by the number of decimal places
e. The number 50,004 has five significant figures


Answer 1
Answer: D is incorrect. When dividing, the answer is determined by the number of significant figures.

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b. tetraclinic
c. tetragonal
d. orthorhombic



B- Tetraclinic


According to the similarity of their symmetry elements, thirty-two classes are grouped into seven crystal systems: isometric (cubic) system, tetragonal system, hexagonal system, trigonal system (subdivision of the hexagonal system, second North American school of crystallography). , called rhombohedral hexagonal system), orthorhombic system, monoclinic system and triclinic system. Applying the symmetry operations on all possible reticular planes (potential crystal faces) in the seven crystalline systems, according to the 32 symmetry classes, only 48 geometric shapes are possible to be obtained.

Tetraclinic is not one of the seven types of crystal.

Seven types of crystals

The seven types of crystal are triclinic, monoclinic, orthorhombic, tetragonal, trigonal, hexagonal, and cubic while on the other hand, triclinic system is one of the structural categories in which crystalline solids can be assigned.

So we can conclude that Tetraclinic is not one of the seven types of crystal.

Learn more about crystals here: brainly.com/question/1325088

A photon has a wavelength of 3.8 × 10-7 meters, which is between visible and ultraviolet. Calculate the energy of this photon.



Energy of the photon is 5.2* 10^(-19) J.


Energy of a photon (E) is given by the following equation-

                                              E=(hc)/(\lambda )

Where h is the plank constant, c is the velocity of light and \lambda is the wavelength of photon.

Hence, E=((6.626* 10^(-34)J.s)* (3* 10^(8)m/s))/(3.8* 10^(-7)m)

So, E=5.2* 10^(-19) J

use the equation Energy of photon = h * c / wavelength

where h is Planck constant = 6.62607004 × 10-34 m2 kg / s

c is velocity of light in vacuum = 3.00 × 108 m/s and

wavelength value already you know

Which law states that the volume of a gas is proportional to the moles of the gas when pressure and temperature are kept constant?


I believe this would be Avogadro's law which states ''Equal volumes of all gases, at the same temperature and pressure, have the same number of molecules regardless of their chemical nature and physical properties.''


boyles law


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the water evaporated into water vapor.



that when water is boiled in a open beaker and it disappears that it evaporates into the air

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 We imagine a piston cylinder and a solution of gas and water. Molecules are in constant random motion and some of the gas particles are in the vapor phase while some in the liquid phase. At a specific volume, molecules move freely. However, when the piston is moved down, increasing the pressure, some of the molecules in the vapor are pushed down to the liquid phase in order maintain equilibrium thus increasing solubility 

Which physical method can separate a mixture of steel ball bearings and marbles ?a. boiling
b. evaporation
c. filtration


SORTING METHOD can easily be used to separate a mixture of steel ball bearing and marbles. This separation method is suitable because the two substances that are mixed together have big sizes, so it is easy to separate the two by hand picking the particles. Sorting method is usually used as a separation technique when the size of the mixture is big and the mixed substances are in the same state.


D. Sorting


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