The correct answer is A. The star-crossed lovers.
Thisbe and Pyramus are termed as a pair of lovers who are ill-fated where their strong forms Ovid's metamorphose part.
The two were found in the city of babylon. Because of their parents rivalry they were forbidden not to wed.
They used to whisper their love on a cracked wall. Thisbe stabbed herself to death with a sword during the time of mourning when she found his lover Pyramus lying under mulberry tree while he is dead.
B. A military policy focusing on defense of the German homeland
C. The German policy of re-arming the military
D. A form of war emphasizing quick movements to take an enemy off guard
Student Answer: B
Answer: Incorrect
5. What was the result of FDR's court-packing scheme?
A. The Supreme Court more willingly accepted a larger role for the federal government.
B. The Supreme Court split into two courts to better handle cases.
C. The Supreme Court attacked New Deal programs more than ever.
D. The Supreme Court expanded to 11 members.
Student Answer: C
Answer: Incorrect
9. In which way did Roosevelt attempt to restore the nation's confidence in the banking system?
A. Declaring a bank holiday to give banks time to get in order
B. Ordering banks to keep 100 percent of deposits in cash
C. Firing and replacing top banking executives
D. Lowering interest rates
Student Answer: C
Answer: Incorrect
13. Which of the following is a way farmers attempted to increase the price of agricultural products during the Great Depression?
A. Forming a farmers union
B. Destroying agricultural products
C. Agreeing to voluntarily go out of business
D. Using new genetically altered seeds
Student Answer: A
Answer: Incorrect
18. Why did Roosevelt feel the need to propose expanding the number of justices on the Supreme Court?
A. The Supreme Court had been striking down New Deal Programs as unconstitutional.
B. The Supreme Court was struggling under a heavy workload.
C. The Supreme Court was refusing to hear new cases.
D. The Supreme Court didn't consider his election valid.
Student Answer: B
Answer: Incorrect
The correct answer is: "the living space policy".
One of the basics of the nazi ideology was that they believed in the superiority of the Aryan German race and that they sought to create a large empire, to ensure that this race had the appropiate "living space"dimenssions, acording to its prestige. This is why, under the nazi leadership, Germany started to annex territories from neighbour European countries.