There are many pros and cons of being a cowboy in the west in the 1800's. Some of the pros were that the jobs that you would be hired to perform were always paid very well and were for the most part very exciting. Mainly since there was always action involved including moving from place to place, protection detail, fighting off raids etc. Best of all there weren't really requirements for becoming a cowboy which was great for formerly enslaved people.
The cons on the other hand include having to work very long hours, usually on watch or protection detail. You also risk your life on a daily basis and have to know how to fight and shoot. Indian attacks were very common and could easily cost you your life. Some jobs may include move merchandise or even cattle from one place to another and losing it would significantly reduce your pay.
Pros nd cons of being a cowboy in west. Pros included adventure, freedom, and camaraderie, while cons included hardship, danger, and isolation.
Being a cowboy in the Old West had both pros and cons. Here are three of each:
b. to protest U.S. support for Israel.
c. to protest Western influence on their countries.
d. to weaken the U.S. economy.
(1) “Washington Establishes a Cabinet”
(2) “House Votes to Impeach Andrew Johnson”
(3) “Senate Rejects the Treaty of Versailles”
(4) “President Nominates John Roberts for Supreme
A nerve net is any plexus of neurons lying in the periphery and so connected as to provide a diffuse conduction system, i.e., one in which conduction can take place in any direction and in which many alternative routes exist between any two points. They are entirely distinct and nowhere structurally continuous with any other fiber.
History is boring for some, and with the lack of constant attention to the class, it can make your mind wonder and become tired
History makes me tired too, good to know I'm not alone