What is the typical diet of a gaucho? A. beef and yerba mate
B. coffe and bread
C. Tea and calabash
D. lamb and rice

I think it would be C or D.


Answer 1
Answer: I believe it is D.
Hope this is of help to you, and happy studying~!
~{Oh Mrs.Believer}
Answer 2
Answer: i think is c 

Related Questions

Is the entire coast of Panama is in the Pacific Ocean.
What is the yo form of the verb dar in the present tense?
What phrase uses the subjunctive tense to persuade or influence? A) Insisto en que manejes despacio.B) Es importante poner atención al manejar.
Pretend you are in Guatemala. You had to call home. In Spanish, tell the steps you followed to make the phone call, using the past tense. Include as many details as possible. You will be graded on accuracy and pronunciation.
2. Túun carro nuevo.a. Tenemosb. TienenC. Tengod. Tienes

To read to watch to look, to write,
to pay
to buy
to dance
to look for
to eat
to live
to run
to read


Here are the Spanish verbs matched with their equivalent in English:

1. leer - to read

2. comprar - to buy

3. vivir - to live

4. buscar - to search

5. comer - to eat

6. escribir - to write

7. pagar - to pay

8. mirar - to look/watch

These are the English equivalents for the given Spanish verbs.

To watch ; Ver
To look ; Mirar
To write ; Escribir
To pay ; Pagar
To buy ; Comprar
To dance ; Bailar
To look for ; Buscar
To eat ; Comer
To live ; Vivir
To run ; Correr
To read ; Leer

Elena no _______ traer el DVD.



Well all the answers confuse me because I do not know how the sentence wants to speak if the past, the present or the future, But I still think the answer is D) puede

No can es la respuesta correcta para usted!

1. ____ is a suburb of Asuncion known for some nice restaurants.A) San Blas
B) San Lorenzo
C) San Ignacio
D) San Juan
2) The mix of Spanish and Guarani is called_____
A) terere
B) jopara
C) tranquilopa
D) heterei


1. _San Lorenzo______ is a suburb of Asunción known for some nice restaurants.    It is the third most populous city in Paraguay.  I

2) The mix of Spanish and Guarani is called__jopara .

The majority of people from Paraguay speak some form of Jopara.


I know its way late for the guy above but if anyone else finds this for unit 2 lesson 2 the answers are







Mi papá necesita comprar una casa al « from » señor Ortega. El precio pedido es novecientos ochenta mil pesos. Mi papá quiere regatear el precio y quiere ochocientos veinte mil pesos. El señor Ortega no quiere vender barato y regatea con novecientos cincuenta mil pesos. El precio final es ochocientos noventa mil pesos. Based on the text, el precio más barato es ________ pesos. 790.000 950.000 820.000 720.000



The question is asking which is cheapest not what they finally agree on. So the answer is 820,000



Answer is 820.000



What does Mrs. Morningstar suggest that Sancho should get?



a hearing aid


David y Roberto _____ amigos. soy somos son es


david y roberto '''son''' buenos amigos

son esa es la respuesta