Hi there!
To convert a fraction to a percentage you need to first convert the fraction to a decimal number. To convert a fraction to a decimal number you need to treat the fraction like a division problem.
as a division problem would be 1 divided by 3, which is:
1 ÷ 3 = 0.3333333...
Now to covert a decimal to a percent all you do is move the decimal point over to the hundreds place, so it will look like this:
I will be rounded down because it is less then 5. Now just add a percent sign on the end and that is your answer! I should look like this:
Your friend, ASIAX
Step-by-step explanation:
Try 1, 2, 3, or 4 blue pencils. Then green is 6 times as many. Red must be the rest to make up 20 total.
No. of blue No. of green No. of red
1 6 13
2 12 6
3 18 -1
You can't have 3 blue pencils because 3 blue + 18 green = 21 pencils, and there are only 20.
If you have 1 blue and 6 green, then there must be 13 red, but red must be less than green, and 13 is not less than 6.
The only possibility is
2 blue, 12 green, 6 red
If you start taking out pencils, when you take out the first 14 they may be all blues or green, so only when you take out the 15th pencil do you know for sure there must be 1 green pencil.
All of the numbers are solutions.
Step-by-step explanation:
Step 1: Solve for x in the first equation
Step 2: Solve for x in the second equation
Since you divided by a negative, you must flip the sign.
Step 3: Find the number
x > 3 and x < 4
Answer: All of the numbers are solutions.