Which of the following is true about Mongol rule in China? A.Trade with other countries declined. B.Chinese were allowed to serve in the military. C.Mongol and Chinese customs mixed into one culture. D.Chinese had to adopt Mongol traditions.


Answer 1
Answer: D. Chinese had to adopt Mongol traditions

A is wrong because trade with other countries increased
B is wrong because Mongolians did not trust the Chinese
C is wrong because Chinese customs (Confucianism at that time) rejected merchants whereas Mongols embraced commerce.

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Which of the following best describes the connection between the United States, China, and the SALT I agreement?Nixon used the new US closeness to China to negotiate the agreement with the Soviet Union.
Brezhnev negotiated the treaty with the United States as part of an alliance against China.
Nixon used the new US closeness to the Soviet Union to negotiate the agreement with China.
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Nixon used the new US closeness to China to negotiate the agreement with the Soviet Union. When relations between China and the Soviet Union deteriorated, the United States established diplomatic relations with China to weaken the influence of the Russians.  Later the U.S. and U.S.S.R. signed the Anti-Ballistics treaty that limited the number of missiles on both sides but improved relations between them.

The option that best describes the connection between the United States, China, and the SALT I agreement is that;

  • Nixon used the new US closeness to China to negotiate the agreement with the Soviet Union.

What was the SALT 1 treaty about?

The SALT I agreement is known to be the  first agreements that was signed by the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the year 1972 and 1979.

The act was signed so as to hinder the arms race in strategic ballistic missiles that is armed with nuclear weapons. Nixon was said to have used the new US closeness to China to negotiate the agreement with the Soviet Union.

Learn more about Soviet Union from


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... as a response to US support of Israel in its 1973 war against a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria.
OPEC stands for the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.  Within that, there was also the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC), formed in 1968.  In 1973, OAPEC said they would cut oil production "until the Israeli forces are completely evacuated from all the Arab territories occupied in the June 1967 war."  (The 1973 war was being fought to regain control of territories lost to Israel in 1967.)  Egypt and Syria were both members of OAPEC, and they and other Arab nations were seeking leverage in the struggle with Israel and positioning for post-war settlements.

The years from 1945 to 1960 (and really, well, for another 30 years after at least) were completely absorbed with the Red Scare. For this question, look at the relationship between the United States and the USSR during this fifteen year period. How did the fear of communism and the Soviet Union affect American culture and society?



The years from 1945 to 1960 were indeed marked by intense fear and suspicion of communism, commonly known as the Red Scare. This period was characterized by heightened tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union, which significantly influenced American culture and society. The fear of communism and the Soviet Union had a profound impact on various aspects of American life, including politics, economics, education, entertainment, and even personal relationships.

One of the most significant effects of the fear of communism was the rise of McCarthyism. Senator Joseph McCarthy played a central role in fueling anti-communist sentiment through his relentless pursuit of alleged communists within the United States government and other institutions. McCarthy's accusations often lacked substantial evidence but had a chilling effect on freedom of speech and expression. Many individuals were blacklisted from their professions or faced social ostracism based on mere suspicions of communist sympathies. This atmosphere of fear and paranoia led to a climate of conformity, where individuals were afraid to express dissenting opinions or engage in activities that could be perceived as subversive.

The fear of communism also had a profound impact on American politics. The Truman Doctrine and the subsequent policy of containment were implemented to prevent the spread of communism beyond its existing borders. The United States engaged in a series of proxy wars, such as the Korean War and the Vietnam War, in an attempt to halt communist expansion. These conflicts not only resulted in significant loss of life but also led to widespread disillusionment with American foreign policy.

Economically, the fear of communism led to increased government intervention in the economy. The establishment of programs like the Marshall Plan aimed to rebuild war-torn Europe and prevent countries from falling under Soviet influence. Additionally, the fear of communist infiltration prompted the creation of various federal agencies, such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Council (NSC), which played crucial roles in gathering intelligence and formulating policies to counter the Soviet Union.

The fear of communism also had a profound impact on education and intellectual life. The establishment of loyalty oaths and the scrutiny of textbooks and curricula aimed to eliminate any perceived communist influence in schools and universities. Professors, writers, and artists were often subjected to investigations and censorship if their work was deemed sympathetic to communism or critical of American society. This climate of fear stifled intellectual freedom and hindered the exchange of ideas.

In the realm of entertainment, the fear of communism led to the rise of McCarthyist propaganda films and television shows that portrayed communism as an imminent threat to American values and way of life. The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) conducted investigations into alleged communist influence in Hollywood, resulting in the blacklisting of numerous actors, directors, and screenwriters. This period also saw the emergence of anti-communist superheroes in comic books, such as Captain America, who fought against communist villains.

On a personal level, the fear of communism strained relationships between friends, family members, and colleagues. Accusations of communist sympathies or affiliations could lead to social isolation or even the loss of employment. The pervasive climate of suspicion created an atmosphere where individuals were encouraged to report on their neighbors or coworkers, further eroding trust within communities.

In conclusion, the fear of communism and the Soviet Union during the years from 1945 to 1960 had a profound impact on American culture and society. It led to the rise of McCarthyism, political tensions, increased government intervention in the economy, restrictions on intellectual freedom, censorship in entertainment, and strained personal relationships. The Red Scare left a lasting legacy on American history and serves as a reminder of the power of fear in shaping societies.


Discuss the major advancements in early human development. Answers should include an analysis of bipedalism, tool making, the Neolithic revolution, and the development of writing.


The human being was evolving in terms of physiognomy, physical abilities, incorporation of new techniques and technologies, development of forms of communication, social organization and various cooperation mechanisms.

When the ancestors of homo sapiens managed to walk in a bipedal manner, this allowed them to travel great distances across the African savannah in order to obtain food or escape from predators.

Being able to stand on his legs, his hands were left free to manufacture and carry weapons and tools increasingly sophisticated.

It was very important to discover the techniques of domination over fire, which allowed man to protect himself from nocturnal beasts, to see in the dark, to have heating and above all the possibility of cooking his food, thus generating a greater assimilation of the nutrients and allowing great advances in cognitive development and population growth.

Once man could dominate agriculture and livestock, a great change was made in the way of life and social organization that we call the Neolithic Revolution. It is at this time when the first sedentary communities emerge and then the cities, kingdoms, etcetera.

When the cities became more complex and their organization was more structured, the first written codes began to appear in the form of tablitas of engraved clays.

Tablillas were used to promote commercial exchange, tax collection, the establishment of laws, the development of poetry and religious writing, etcetera.

It was very important to discover the techniques of domination over fire, which allowed man to protect himself from nocturnal beasts, to see in the dark, to have heating and above all the possibility of cooking his food, thus generating a greater assimilation of the nutrients and allowing great advances in cognitive development and population growth.

Once man could dominate agriculture and livestock, a great change was made in the way of life and social organization that we call the Neolithic Revolution. It is at this time when the first sedentary communities emerge and then the cities, kingdoms, etcetera.

When the cities became more complex and their organization was more structured, the first written codes began to appear in the form of tablitas of engraved clays.

Tablillas were used to promote commercial exchange, tax collection, the establishment of laws, the development of poetry and religious writing, etcetera.

The development of writing in turn allowed the deployment of various areas of knowledge such as mathematics, astronomy, administration. They continued incorporating new technologies such as irrigation, tillage, wheel, mill, and civil construction, clothing.

The Neolithic Revolution occurred first in the fertile growing corresponding to the plains bathed by the Nile River, the Mesopotamia watered by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, then in the Indus valley and in the region today belong India (Indus and Ganges rivers) and in the Far East (Huang He and Yangtze rivers in China).

In America a parallel situation arose and in the rest of the world these advances were expanded by diffusion from these territories.

Other great revolutions that changed the life of man can be the Scientific Revolution, the Democracy, the Industrial Revolution, the Information Revolution, and we are waiting for new advances to come.

Draw Conclusions  Why might a cause like Italian unification successfully draw people of very different backgrounds together?



Nationalism, caused the Italian unification.  As in Germany, the dream of national unity in Italy came to life in the aftermath of Napoleon's invasions. Giuseppe Mazzini spurred the movement by founding Young Italy, a secret society aimed at creating a free, independent and unified republican nation. Italian unification therefore, successfully draw people of very different backgrounds together.


The unification of Italy and Germany resulted from the Crimean war, a conflict which destroyed the concepts of Europe. The Crimean war put two of Europe's largest powers and allies Austria and Russia as enemies. These powers soon declined and allows for other powers like the Prussians and Italians to take over.  

Final answer:

Italian Unification, or Risorgimento, drew people from diverse backgrounds together through a shared sense of nationalism and the shared desire for a unified Italy free of foreign dominance. This shared sentiment of unity was further strengthened as the leaders of unification propagated common historical heroes and events.


Italian Unification, also known as the Risorgimento, was a cause that managed to successfully unite people of diverse backgrounds. The primary reason behind this could be the shared sense of nationalism that the populace felt. Even though people were of different cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, they were united by the common goal of a unified Italy.

This belief in a unified nation where everyone belonged, regardless of their differences, was an influential driving force. The populace was tired of foreign dominance and wished for self-governance. Therefore, the thought of a shared homeland brought people together. The protagonists of unification articulated ideas that appealed to diverse societies, promulgating a shared national history and commemorating common heroes and events, all of which strengthened this shared sentiment of unity.

Learn more about Italian Unification here:



is it true or false When the General Court was first created, towns had the right to send their own representatives to the General Court.


True - Now of course towns can't but back then was a different story.