How many joules are needed to warm 45.0 grams of water from 30.0 degrees C to 75.0 degrees C?


Answer 1

Answer : The amount of heat needed are, 8464.5 J

Explanation :

Formula used :

q=m* c* (T_(final)-T_(initial))


q = heat gained = ?

m = mass of water = 45.0 g

c = specific heat of water = 4.18J/g^oC

T_(final) = final temperature = 75.0^oC

T_(initial) = initial temperature = 30.0^oC

Now put all the given values in the above formula, we get:

q=45.0g* 4.18J/g^oC* (75.0-30.0)^oC


Thus, the amount of heat needed are, 8464.5 J

Answer 2
Answer: q=m x Cp x ∆T

m is the mass of the water, Cp is the specific heat of water and ∆T is the change in temperature of the water (final-initial temperature). q is the energy involved in the reaction, measured in joules. 

q=(45.0) x (4.184 Jg^-1/°C^-1) x (45°C)
q=8472.6 Joules

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b) the metals strips


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it's simple.
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I think the answer is e? That's if o is -2 if not it will be a