Which part of speech is the underlined word? They swam across the pool quickly.






Answer 1
Answer: a. adjective because they are describing them swimming across the pool quickly.
Answer 2
Answer: pool so  then B noun easy you do not know that

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Hope it helps

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Чи легко жити у світі магії


В вопросе не сказано, что именно нужно: краткий ответ, эссе, сочинение или еще что-либо, поэтому ловите ответ на том языке, на котором задан вопрос:

У світі магії, мабуть, жити легко тільки за умови, що ти талановитий чаклун. Якщо ти не маєш магічних здібностей, тоді тобі буде складно.

Якщо вам потрібен твір на цю тему, ви можете взяти ці два речення за основу твору, а далі все залежить від вашої фантазії.

Пламенный привет модерам, которые модерируют вопросы и ответы, не имея понятия, о чем идет речь.

How do you write I am 10 years old in japenese ( hiragana )


Just to add a couple of remarks to Konrad509's answer.

Yes, one of the right answers is:
      [watashi ha juu-sai desu.]

In kanji it looks like this: 

If you wanted to customize your sentence a little bit then I would suggest changing the first person pronoun to something else. Therefore, if you're a girl, you might to use あたし [atashi] instead of わたし (私) [watashi]; if you're a teenage boy who wants to sound cool on the other hand, you might want to use おれ (俺) [ore]. 

Also you might want to add よ [yo] at the end of the whole sentence to sound more amiably. 

I hope that it clears everything up for you. If you had more questions, you can just write to me personally ;)


Help me please, thanks .....


This is the same as the other one you posted, just put the words into the sentences to get an idea of context, it’s not really an exercise.

The word silently, as used in the last paragraph, means...


The word ‘silently’ is an adverb, it is a synonym for ‘quietly’. It means without making any sound. Example: She sobbed silently in the corner.


where is the last paragraph?


you need to edit and write tha too :)