Cómo hacer un párrafo en inglés


Answer 1
Answer: Making a paragraph in English? 

Si se está preguntando cómo hacer uno , entonces es muy fácil !

Para hacer un párrafo todo lo que tiene que hacer es hacer una intro primera

Que puede ser de hasta 5 frases largas

Después de ir alrededor de dos líneas más abajo un hacer un guión , que tendrá que usar el dedo para

Poner el dedo detrás de la primera letra que escribió y continuar escribiendo a continuación, hacer un cuerpo y una conclusión

Answer 2
Answer: Primero eliges un tema.
Despues haces una introduccion.
Una vez que hagas eso debes hacer otros parrafos que soporten tu tema( cada parrafo debe de ser de 5-6 oracuones).
Finalmente haces una conclusion.

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Analizati adjectivele din textul urmator, dupa modelul dat. In curtea larga, cocosii frumosi se infruntau.Ei aveu pieptul lucios si pene albastrii.Creasta rosie impodobea un cap ce se inalta cu mare trufie pe deasupra lighioanelor ograzii. model larga,-adjectiv propriu-zis,variabil,se acorda gen,numar si caz cu sunstantivul ,,curtea"(feminin,singular,acuzativ).


model : 
larga,-adjectiv propriu-zis,variabil,se acorda gen,numar si caz cu sunstantivul ,,curtea"(feminin,singular,acuzativ)
frumosi- adjectiv propriu-zis , variabil , se acorda in gen numar si caz cu substantivul comun ''cocosii'' (masculin , plural , acuzativ)

lucios-adjectiv propriu-zis , variabil , se acorda in gen numar si caz cu substantivul comun ''pieptul'' (masculin , singural, acuzativ)

albastrii-adjectiv propriu-zis , variabil , se acorda in gen numar si caz cu substantivul comun ''pene'' (feminin, plural, acuzati)

rosie-adjectiv propriu-zis , variabil , se acorda in gen numar si caz cu substantivul comun ''creasta'' (feminin, singural, acuzati)

mare - adjectiv propriu-zis , variabil , se acorda in gen numar si caz cu substantivul comun ''trufie'' (feminin, singural, acuzati)

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Which answer choice correctly replaces the underlined words? The garage door did not close all the way.





C. Didn't

The garage door didn't close all the way.
The garage door didn't close all the way.

What is the easiest language in the world to learn. This cannot be an opinion.


The easiest language in the World includes is Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and French. It take few weeks to learn.
Spanish is the most easiest language to learn....hope it helps

How to say hello in 10 different languages- Easy to spell


No translator used to make this.
These ways of say hello may be informal or formal but they are all ways in saying it.

1. Ne-how (ni-how)-Chinese/Mandarin

2. Salut (sa-lot) or buna (buu-nah)-Romanian

3. Bonjour (bond-jour)-French

4. Hola (hoh-lah)-Spanish

5. Ahnnyeong (ahn-nee-ong)-Korean (not sure if thats the correct way in spelling it)

6. Shalom (shal-ohm)-Hebrew

7. Gutentag (guuu-ten-tag)-Dutch? Positive it is

8. ohayauu (ohhha-yaaee)-Japanese (not sure if pronounced right) In Japanese, we usually say "Konnichiwa" instead which means "good afternoon" in Japanese

9. Aloha (aaa-lo-haah)-Hawaiian native speaking

10. Privet (preev-it)-Russian.

Maybe its a good thing that my bro practices saying "hi" in a bunch of languages;)
Alot of languages say hallo, hai, hej, hello, hi, etc as an informal way in saying "hello/hi"

1. English- Hello
2. Spanish- Hola
3. French- Bonjour
4. Vietnamese- Xin chao'
5. Latin- Salve
6. Zulu- Sawubona
7. Norwegian- Hallo
8. Romanian- alo
9. Galician- Ola
10. Croatian- Bok