Preterite forms of ser or ir


Answer 1
Answer: Preterite forms of ser, and ir would be..
Ser (to be) & Ir (to go)
Yo = Fui
Tú = Fuiste
Ud./Ella/Él = Fue
Nosotros/as = Fuimos
Vosotros/as = Fuisteis
Uds./Ellos/Ellas = Fueron

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8.está (I think)



13. están

14. Son (I think)

I hope it helps!!!!

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Hope it helps :)
That food is energy. That’s basically what it says there

Lexema de la palabra caballero


Answer:lexeme of the word knight



lexeme of the word knight


Lexema means Lexeme. Lexeme means a basic lexical unit of a language, consisting of one word or several words, considered as an abstract unit, and applied to a family of words related by form or meaning.

"de la" means "of the"

Palabra means word.

and finally Caballero means Gentleman but when you add Palabra before it turns it to Knight

Answer: Lexeme of the word knight