To save money
The overall objective of a company is to make a profit, there are several paths to achieve this objective, one of them is making the process for your making products cheaper so that when you sell them at the same price you make more money. Developing nations, have weaker employment laws, therefore minimum wage is less, and companies see this as an opportunity to make a profit, also in these countries there is usually a lot of unemployment so people will have to put up with these conditions. There are also other ways companies save money by outsourcing, for example, avoiding taxes in tax-free zones, acquiring cheaper resources from countries that do not have enough ecological regulations in place or simply by not spending as much in improving workers spaces and conditions.
There is a big possibility that it will cause more pollution. There is a big possibility of leakages that can contaminate the water supply. Also the place is no longer for mining. The mining cave-ins had have lead and coal residues that can cause a serious damage on one’s health
it provided a labor force for future oil and natural gas industries
Spartan soldiers helped save retreating members of the Greek army
B: at the Battle of Thermopylae.