(1) Code of Hammurabi → Justinian Code →
Napoleonic Code → Twelve Tables
(2) Justinian Code → Twelve Tables →
Napoleonic Code → Code of Hammurabi
(3) Code of Hammurabi → Twelve Tables →
Justinian Code → Napoleonic Code
(4) Twelve Tables → Napoleonic Code → Code
of Hammurabi → Justinian Code
"(3) Code of Hammurabi → Twelve Tables →Justinian Code → Napoleonic Code" is the correct order, since Hammurabi'd Code was by far the first to be implemented.
The correct answer is: A. They try to “spin” the news by manipulating how reporters interpret events.
Plato users
B.manifest Destiny
C.Adams -Onis Treaty
D.Missouri Compromise
The correct answer is B, as Manifest Destiny was the belief used to justify westward expansion of America's borders in the 1800s.
The doctrine of Manifest Destiny is a phrase and idea that expresses the belief that the United States of America is a nation destined to expand from the Atlantic coasts to the Pacific. This idea is also used by supporters to justify other territorial acquisitions. The supporters of this ideology believe that the expansion is not only good, but also obvious (manifest) and accurate. This ideology could be summarized in the phrase: "By the Divine or God's Authority".
“spiritual one”
“wealthy one”
“wise one
Sadly it led to unwise commitments to countries located in these regions. The United States was so determined to contain or wipe threat of communism that it went so far as to support corrupt and dictatorial regimes that only encouraged the spread of communism rather than contain it.