Verb in the sentence: Grandma plants bulbs every fall.


Answer 1
Answer: Plants.
She plants bulbs.
Answer 2
Answer: plants is the verb in this sentence

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Arrange the steps involved in close reading sequentially, from what you would do first to what you would do last.Summarize what you read and highlighted.

Take notes on your reactions to the literary elements you identified.

Reread the story.

Read the story from beginning to end.

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1. Read the story from beginning to end - the first thing you need to do is read the whole story so as to see what you are dealing with;
2. Annotate specific parts of the text by highlighting phrases or sentences and noting the literary elements used - this you need to do in order to emphasize the most important elements that you need to focus on;
3. Take notes on your reactions to the literary elements you identified - first, you need to identify these elements (which you did in step 2), and then think about them and see what your reactions may be;
4. summarize what you've read and highlighted - try to shorten the story in order to see whether you've covered everything;
5. reread the story - so as to check everything one more time.

Which sentence gives the main idea of the selection and which sentence most closely supports the main idea with important details.


the first sentence gives the main idea of the selection

Hey the main idea of this question is sentence one bc its the sentence that states the paragraph

Whats the first thing in every chain?


It begins with the energy of the sun,then plants or producers take in the energy.
Consumers eat the producers.A second consumer may eat the first one and so one until the top predator is on the food chain.Decomposers take in the nutrients of the top predators when they die.

1.Which of the following is most important for a comparison-contrast essay?A.Choosing two things to compare that are in agreement

B.Choosing two things to compare that have opposing arguments

C.That the two items being compared are significantly different

D.A clear statement regarding what is being compared and contrasted

2.Political writings are generally a type of persuasive writing.




I believe the answer to question two is true. Political writings were usually persuasive.

Hope I helped!

Which sentence uses quotation marks correctly? A. Next week we will sail to Sicily on a ship called "La Magnifica." B. Have you seen the animated movie titled "The Sword in the Stone"? C. We laughed out loud when my father read the poem titled "Daddy Fell into the Pond." D. We went to see Mozart's wonderful opera, "The Magic Flute."


the quotation marks are written  correctly in the answer C.
The answer is C.We laughed out loud when my father read the title of the poem titled "Daddy Fell into th Pond."

What is a analogy for ivy?


yes analogy is for ivy