Write a paragraph (5 sentences) about a past time where you used a computer or talked on the telephone using le passé compose (p.c.) and l’imparfait. Describe the setting using (Il y avait… = there was) and one other verb in the imparfait (for example, you can describe what you were doing or what the weather was like or etc). What did you use the computer for…an assignment or project? What did you say on the phone call? Each sentence must contain a different verb for a total of 5 different verbs. One of them must be a verb that uses être in the passé composé. Use five vocabulary words from the list below:l’ordinateur, faire ses devoirs, taper son texte, aller sur Internet, appuyer sur la touche, envoyer quelques (e-)mails, cliquer, rechercher, une imprimante, savoir comment…, le téléphone, un portable, composer le numéro, un répondeur automatique, attendre la tonalité, le numéro de téléphone, allô, sonner occupé, parler, un coup de fil, un texto