O DNA comparisons
o observations
O comparison of fossils
O experimentation
DNA comparisons
The molecular nature of DNA and its role in inheritance and evolution was not known during Darwin's time. Therefore, it was not possible to compare similarities in DNA sequences between different species to understand their evolutionary relationships.
This type of method was not in regular use until the 1980s/1990s, when sequencing and DNA amplification technologies were invented
terrestrial or aquatic.
All types of ecosystems fall into one of two categories: terrestrial or aquatic. Terrestrial ecosystems are land-based, while aquatic are water-based. The major types of ecosystems are forests, grasslands, deserts, tundra, freshwater and marine.
terrestrial or aquatic.
All types of ecosystems fall into one of two categories: terrestrial or aquatic. Terrestrial ecosystems are land-based, while aquatic are water-based. The major types of ecosystems are forests, grasslands, deserts, tundra, freshwater and marine.anation:
Brain is the main coordination center of the body and regulates the proper functioning of the body. Brain is divided into three parts- forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain.
Cerebrum: Crerebrum is the largest part of brain and controls the language, communication ability, and the process of learning and memory of an organism.
Hypothalamus: Hypothalamus is located at the base of a brain. Hypothalamus releases various hormones, regulates the body temperature and manages the sexual behavior of an organism.
Thalamus: Thalamus is located above the brain stem and relay the neurons into the cerebral cortex. Thalamus regulates alertness, wakefulness and sleep of an organism.
Some prokaryotes originally classified under Bacteria are now classified as Archaea due their distinct molecular composition and structure. They are not classified as Fungi, Plantae, or Protista because these groups fall under the Eukarya domain whose organisms have a nucleus.
Some prokaryotes that were once classified in the domain Bacteria are now classified as Archaea. Both Bacteria and Archaea are prokaryotes, meaning they are unicellular organisms that lack distinct nuclei. However, Bacteria and Archaea are distinct from each other in terms of molecular composition and structure, leading to the separate classification of Archaea. They are not classified as Fungi, Plantae, or Protista as these groups are part of the Eukarya domain, which consists of eukaryotic organisms (organisms with cells containing a nucleus).
Dependent variables and independent variables in an experiment are defined as the terms of cause and effect.
The variables are:
In the given experiment, the dependent variable is the concentrated lactic acid and that of NAD+, whereas the control is the response of NAD+ and lactic acid in the absence of vitamin treatment.
The given experiment is about respiration in which the electrons from glycolysis and Krebs cycle are transmitted to the electron transport chain. In the electron transport chain, reduction of NAD+ into NADH takes place.
Thus, the variables in an experiment are used to study the hypothesize the results.
To know more about variables, refer to the following link:
(a).concentrated lactic acid and that of NAD+.
(b).use of the response of NAD+ and lactic acid in absence of vitamin treatment as the CONTROL.
To understand this question and be able to solve this question efficiently we have to understand the concept of "respiration''. But, the short and the most simple answer to the question above can be found in the first statement of the question.
The electron transport chain include the cycle that occurs during glycolysis, fermentation and the transformation of NAD+ to form NADH and vice versa.
In the research, the dependent variable is the concentrated lactic acid and that of NAD+.
In order to increase the validity of the experiment, the Researcher can make use of the response of NAD+ and lactic acid in absence of vitamin treatment as the CONTROL.
b. Y is positively charged, has a mass of 200 kDa, it does not bind sugars.
c. Z is negatively charged, has a mass of 100 kDa, it does not bind sugars.
What will be the most efficient method to purify protein X from the mixture of X, Y, and Z?
i. washing
ii. drying
iii. ion-exchange chromatography
iv. gel filtration chromatography
v. affinity chromatography
iii. ion-exchange chromatography
We have to purify the proteins and column chromatography is used widely for the purification of proteins. Ion-Exchange chromatography is also a type of column chromatography.
When the sugar binding protein X passes through the column, the sugar and proteins binds together by exchanging ions and coagulated out no matter what the nature of charge on proteins...