A. integumentary, respiratory, digestiveB. Circulatory, respiratory, nervous

C. Integumentary, nervous, muscular

D. Circulatory, digestive, nervous
A. integumentary, respiratory, digestive B. Circulatory, respiratory, nervous C. Integumentary, - 1


Answer 1


yeah, you are right. it is C


The diagram depicts a reflex arc which shows the pathway order of the reflex arc and the systems involved in the pathway. this is a somatic reflex arc (affecting muscles) The integumentary system is the first which is a organ system that is made up of the skin, hair, nails and exocrine glands. here, somatic receptors in the skin receives the stimulus, then afferent nerve fibers carry this signals to the spinal cord (nervous system: CNS and the PNS; the brain and spinal cord is under the CNS). this is the second system involved.

In the reflex arc, the action potential does not travel to the brain, so results are processed faster. these impulses synapse in the spinal cord. efferent nerve fiber then carry the motor nerve signals to the muscles (muscular system). the effector muscle that has been stimulated then brings about the response.

In summary, it is carrying sensory information from the receptor to the spinal cord and then response generated by the spinal cord is taken to the muscles. Analysis of the signal will then be done after the action with the brain receiving this sensory input.

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This is due to the general nature of the body's features.


The traits are important in the survival of the creatures. For example, a keen vision is needed to spot prey that is several meters or kilometers away. In addition, the claws serve different functions. For example, the claws are there to rest on the patch of the tree and hold firmly. In addition, the claws are for tearing prey. Further, the claws are for holding and lifting prey and suffocating it if necessary.

1. In a soil ecosystem, matter _________________ and energy ___________________.



Recycled, not recycled


In a soil ecosystem, matter is recycled and energy isn't recycled.

Matter is recycled through biogeochemical cycles. Matter has to be recycled because it can neither be created, nor destroyed, and as such, recycling is the only option left.

Energy isn't recycled because most of the energy gotten is used by organisms, as gotten from the plants already, and thus, when it gets to the food chain there isn't much left to be recycled.

What happens to the solar energy that is not absorbed by earths surface?



It is absorbed or reflected by clouds, gasses, and dust, or is reflected off of Earth's surface.



Final answer:

The solar energy that is not absorbed by Earth's surface is reflected back into space or absorbed by the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect.


The solar energy that is not absorbed by Earth's surface can be reflected, scattered, or absorbed by the atmosphere. Some of the solar energy is reflected back into space by clouds, particles in the atmosphere, and Earth's surface. This is known as albedo. The rest of the solar energy is absorbed by gases such as carbon dioxide and water vapor in the atmosphere.

This absorption of solar energy by the atmosphere contributes to the greenhouse effect, which helps to regulate Earth's temperature. The absorbed energy is re-emitted as heat, warming the lower layers of the atmosphere. This is why the Earth's surface is warmer than it would be without an atmosphere.

In summary, the solar energy that is not absorbed by Earth's surface is either reflected back into space or absorbed by the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect and warming the atmosphere.

Learn more about Solar energy here:



A rolling ball has an initial velocity of 5 meters per second. 30 seconds later, its velocity is 2 meters per second. What is the acceleration of the ball?


Acceleration is defined as the velocity of an object over a period of time.
Acceleration, A = Velocity [V] /Time [T]
From the question given above, we are told that 
T = 30 seconds
Initial velocity, V1 = 5
Final velocity, V2 = 2
Change in velocity, V = V1 - V2 = 5 - 2 =3 
A = V / T = 3 / 30 = 0.1
Therefore A = 0.1 m/s^2.

Some of the largest, and most beautiful, natural crystals ofcan be found in the Naica mine.
a) Gypsum
b) Diamond
C) Limestone
d) Quartz


Answer: c)limestone


What sources of information might you ise to determine the relative motion of Earth compared to other planets in the solar system?


The sources of information that might be used are ; (i)The spinning of the earth on its axis and (ii) the spinning of other planets on their axis

The relative motion of the earth is the spinning/rotation of the earth on its axis from west to east every 24 hours. every planets in the universe spins in the same direction of the earth ( i.e. from west to east ) except Venus and Uranus whose spins are retrograde.

To determine the relative motion we can observe the movements of other planets that way we can determine the relative motion of Earth in the universe.

Hence we can conclude that the sources of information are The spinning of the earth on its axis andthe spinning of other planets on their axis.

Learn more : brainly.com/question/2131484

Final answer:

The relative motion of Earth compared to other planets can be determined using Johannes Kepler's laws, gravitational simulations, and NASA studies. Combining these methods can give an understanding of the relative motion within the solar system.


To determine the relative motion of Earth compared to other planets in the solar system, one can use various information sources. These include historical observations and calculations from scientists like the German astronomer Johannes Kepler. Kepler's laws of planetary motion help us understand the motions and orbits of planets in our solar system.

Another reliable source of determining relative planetary motion is gravitational simulations. These virtual simulations allow students and scientists to adjust distance parameters between celestial bodies like the Sun, Earth, and other planets. Changing these distances can clearly demonstrate the influence they have on gravitational forces and their respective orbits.

Lastly, the use of direct data from NASA studies and surveys such as those that captured the motion of Venus across the Sun, can also provide insight into relative motion within the solar system. The combination of all these sources allows for a comprehensive understanding of the relative motion of Earth and other planets in our solar system.

Learn more about Planetary Motion here:

