Which of the following was the main industry in New England during the early colonial era? 1. shipbuilding
2. farming
3. manufacturing
4. trading


Answer 1
Answer: it was 3. manufacturing this on a quiz i know be cause ive taken it before
Answer 2
Answer: C. manufacturing, good luck!

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Okay, so Joseph McCarthy was a hated U.S. senator from Wisconsin. He was so unpopular he was labeled the worst senator in the United States and he knew he could never get re-elected. So, he knew that many Americans feared Communism and he capitalized on this fact by saying he had a list of over 200 government executives who are under suspicion of being Communist spies who are trying to infiltrate the government and send secrets back to the Soviet Union. This struck fear into many Americans because why would we want the U.S. to be Communist. It was a scary thought and this began the mistrust in the U.S. government. Anyway, McCarthy's famous Communist witch hunt trials ensued which accused and tried high up government officials of Communist sympathies. This practice of accusing people of something without real evidence began to be called McCarthyism. The feeling during this time closely resembled the Salem Witch Hunt/Trials of the 1600's in America.

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Well, the Native Americans had to relocate, because of the Removal Act of 1830.  The U.S. Government used treaties as one means to displace Indians from their tribal lands, a mechanism that was strengthened with the Removal Act of 1830. In cases where this failed, the government sometimes violated both treaties and Supreme Court rulings to facilitate the spread of European Americans westward across the continent.


The U.S forcefully relocated the Native Americans. This is because of the Removal Act of 1830.

Chad and some friends broke into a government building and ruined several priceless paintings. Chad was arrested and charged with a federal crime. He refused to speak to the police. Once he was arrested, he refused to speak to his court-appointed lawyer. Chad waited for three years before his case is heard by a judge. When he got his day in court, Chad claimed that his rights had been violated. How could he use the U.S. Constitution to support his claim?"The First Amendment clearly protects my right to assemble, even in government buildings."
"The Fourth Amendment protects me from unreasonable search and seizure."
"The Fifth Amendment protects my right not to answer questions that will incriminate me."
"The Sixth Amendment protects my right to a fair and speedy trial."


The best answer is the last one because the Sixth Amendment protects my right to a fair and speedy trial."
I hope this helped




Discuss the hardships encountered by rice farmers.



It is important to recognize the resilience and ingenuity of rice farmers who employ various strategies and techniques to overcome these challenges and sustain their livelihoods.


Rice farmers face various hardships due to the nature of their occupation and the challenges associated with rice cultivation. Here are some of the common hardships encountered by rice farmers:

1. Labor-intensive work: Rice farming requires significant manual labor throughout the cultivation process. Farmers must engage in activities such as land preparation, sowing seeds, transplanting seedlings, maintaining water levels, applying fertilizers and pesticides, and harvesting. This demanding physical work can be physically exhausting and time-consuming.

2. Vulnerability to weather conditions: Rice crops are highly sensitive to weather conditions. Excessive rainfall, droughts, floods, or extreme temperatures can have a detrimental impact on rice production. Farmers often face the risk of crop failure and financial losses due to unpredictable weather patterns and natural disasters.

3. Water management challenges: Rice cultivation requires a consistent and adequate water supply. Farmers must manage water levels carefully, ensuring that the fields are properly irrigated but not over-flooded. Maintaining the right water conditions can be challenging, especially in areas with limited water resources or unreliable irrigation systems.

4. Pest and disease control: Rice crops are susceptible to a range of pests and diseases that can damage or destroy the yield. Farmers must invest in pest control measures and disease prevention strategies to protect their crops. This often involves the use of pesticides and regular monitoring of the fields, which can be costly and time-consuming.

5. Market uncertainties and price fluctuations: Rice farmers face market uncertainties and price fluctuations that can impact their income. Factors such as changes in consumer demand, government policies, and international trade can affect the price of rice. Farmers may struggle to secure fair prices for their produce, leading to financial instability and income volatility.

6. Limited access to resources and technology: Some rice farmers, particularly those in developing regions, may lack access to resources and technology that could enhance productivity and efficiency. Limited access to modern farming equipment, improved seeds, fertilizers, and irrigation systems can hinder their ability to maximize yields and improve profitability.

7. Rural isolation and limited support services: Rice farming often takes place in rural areas, where farmers may face challenges related to limited access to essential services and support systems. These can include difficulties in accessing credit, agricultural extension services, markets, and transportation infrastructure, which can further exacerbate the hardships faced by rice farmers.

What ancient alphabet is our modern-day English alphabet ORIGINALLY based on?A) Phoenician
B.) Hebrew
C) Cuneiform
D.) Hieroglyphics


The answer is C.) Cuneiform

True or False: Card stacking is when the candidate recalls all the good things he has done, such as helping the Boy Scouts and the local orphanage, and omitting facts that would justify his defeat, such as getting convicted of embezzlement.


It is absolutely true that card stacking is when the candidate recalls all the good things he has done, such as helping the Boy Scouts and the local orphanage and omitting facts that would justify his defeat, such as getting convicted of embezzlement. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the first option.

Answer: True


Card-Stacking is a very popular technique used in modern advertising and political propaganda. It´s applied by highlighting only the information that makes a specific product or candidate seem good, while any possibly negative facts are left out.

The term refers to a magicians’ technique where a deck of cards seems to have been randomly shuffled although it was actually stacked in a specific way.