What is the power of 10 when 157,821 is written in scientific notation?


Answer 1

Answer: The power of 10 in the given value is 5.


Scientific notation is defined as the representation in which a number is expressed in the decimal form. That means always written in the power of 10 form. The decimal place is put after 1 digit.

We are given a numerical value of 157,821

Converting this into scientific notation, we get:

157,821=1.57821* 10^5

Hence, the power of 10 in the given numerical value is 5.

Answer 2
Answer: 1.57821 * 10^5 
so answer is 5

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Hey There!

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v = 70 m/min, s = 2100 m

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Hope it helps you! \(^ᴥ^)/