Following are the code to the given question:
try//defining a try block
processor.process();//defining an object processor that calls process method
catch(Exception e)//defining a catch block
In this question, the 'Try' and 'catch' block is used in which both the keywords are used to represent exceptions managed during runtime due to information or code errors. This try box was its code block which includes errors. A message queue catches the block errors and examines these.
In the try block, a method "process" is used which is create the object processor that calls the method.
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For the Program plan:
1. Two lists are structurally equal if they have the same list structure, although their atoms may be different.
2. So we are going to write a function that will check if elements in both lists at same position are atoms or not.
3. If yes then it should return true else false.
#lang scheme
( define (structurally-equal list1 list2)
(cond ((and (null? list1) (null? list2)) #t)
((or (null? list1) (null? list2)) #f)
((and (atom? (car list1)) (atom? (car list2)))
(structurally-equal (cdr list1) (cdr list2)))
((or (atom? (car list1)) (atom? (car list2))) #f)
(else (and (structurally-equal (car list1) (car list2))
(structurally-equal (cdr list1) (cdr list2) )))))
( define (atom? x) (not (or (pair? x) (null? x))))
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