The three most commonly used operators are AND, OR, NOT. These are known as Boolean operators. They can be used to broaden or narrow a search and to exclude unwanted search terms and concepts.
Following are the code to this question:
l= []#defining an empty list
n=int(input("Enter total element you want to insert: "))#defining variable to input total element
for i in range(0,n):# defining loop to input value in list
insert=int(input())#defining variable insert to input value
l.append(insert) # adding the elemenents into the list
x=n//2#calculating midpoint
l1 =l[:x]#using slicing to hold first-half value in l1 list
l2 =l[x:]#using slicing to hold second-half value in l2 list
print("Before interchange: ")#print message
print ("list : ",l)#print input list
l3=l2 + l1#add value in l3
print("After interchange: ")#print message
#print(l3) #print list l3
print (str(l3)[1:-1])#print list l3
please find the attachment.
Description of the code:
b.delete a program from the hard drive program
d.check recent cpu usage
B) nonfunctional and code style
C) constraint and nonfunctional
D) fashionable and functional.
this is a confusing question cuz its normally functional and non-functional but imma have to go with C
~batmans wife dun dun dun....