Learning Task 1. Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of your answer.1. Which type of soil is characterized as having the finest particles holding greater amount of water?
A. Loam
B. Clay
C. Sand
2. Which type of soil is best for planting?
A. Loam
B. Clay
C. Sand
3. How does each soil types differ?
A. Texture
B. Color
C. Both A & B
4. Which type of soil do you usually expect if the community is along the seashore?
A. Loam
B. Clay
C. Sand
5. Why is soil important to living things?
A. Forms part of the earth where animals live
B. Provides the necessary nutrients needed by plants
C. Serves as a place where people live
D. All of the above​


Answer 1


1. B

2. A

3. C

4. C

5. D


Soil is regarded as the solid unconsolidated material of the earth crust. Soil is of three different types namely: Sandy soil, clay soil and loamy soil. These three different soil types possess different properties that distinguish them. Some of them are:

- CLAY soil is characterized as having the finest particles and can hold greater amount of water i.e. have a high water holding capacity.

- LOAMY SOIL is the best soil type for planting agricultural crops because it has the highest concentration of nutrients that suited for plant growth.

- loamy, Sandy and clay differ in how we feel when touched i.e. texture, and colour.

- SANDY soils are the kind of soils that are found in Sea shores and beaches.

- Soil is important to living things as it forms part of the earth where animals live, provides the necessary nutrients needed by plants, serves as a place where people live.

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Caffeine, a molecule found in coffee, tea, and certain soft drinks, contains C, H, O, and N. Combustion of 10.0 g of caffeine produces 18.13 g of CO₂, 4.639 g of H₂O, and 2.885 g of N₂. Determine the molar mass of the compound if it is between 150 and 210 g/mol.


The molar mass of the compound is found by finding the empirical and

molecular formula of the compound.

  • The molar mass of the compound, MM = 2 × 97 g/mol = 194 g/mol


Molar mass of CO₂ = 44.01 g/mol

Number of moles of CO₂ produced = (18.13)/(44.01) ≈ 0.412 moles

Number of moles of produced C = 0.412 moles

Mass of C = 12 × 0.412 = 4.944 g

Molar mass of H₂O = 18.015 g/mol

Moles of H₂O produced = (4.639)/(18.015 ) = 0.2575 moles

  • Moles of produced H = 2 × 0.2575 = 0.515 moles
  • Mass of H = 1.00784 × 0.515 ≈ 0.519 g

Molar mass of N₂ = 28.0134 g/mol

  • Moles of N produced = 2 × (2.885)/(28.0134 ) = 2 × 0.103 = 0.206 moles

Mass of oxygen = 10 - 4.944 - 2.885 - 0.519 = 1.652

  • Moles of oxygen, O = (1.652 \, g)/(16 \, g/mol) ≈ 0.103 moles

Therefore, we get;

Number of moles of produced C = 0.412 moles

Number of moles of produced H = 0.515 moles

Number of moles of oxygen, O ≈ 0.103 moles

Number of moles of N produced = 0.206 moles

Dividing by 0.103 gives;

  • Mole ratio of C = (0.412)/(0.103) = 4
  • Mole ratio of H = (0.515)/(0.103) = 5
  • Mole ratio of O = 1
  • Mole ratio of N = (0.206)/(0.103) = 2

  • The empirical formula of the compound is therefore; C₄H₅N₂O

  • The general molecular formula is of the form (C₄H₅N₂O)ₙ

Molar mass of the compound is between 150 g/mol and 210 g/mol (given)

The molar mass of C₄H₅N₂O = 4×12 + 5×1.00784 + 2×14 + 16 ≈ 97

The molar mass of C₄H₅N₂O ≈ 97 g/mol

Molar mass of the compound is between 150 and 210 g/mol, therefore, n in

(C₄H₅N₂O)ₙ = 2, which gives;

  • The molar mass of the compound, MM = 2 × 97 g/mol = 194 g/mol

Learn more here:



194 g/mol.



In this case, one first must compute the mass of each element as shown below:

C=18.13gCO_2*(12gC)/(44gCO_2) =4.945gC\nH=4.639gH_2O*(2.016gH)/(18.0152gH_2O)=0.519gH\nN=2.885gN_2\nO=10.0g-4.945g-0.519g-2.885g=1.651gO

Next, the corresponding moles:

C=4.945gC*(1molC)/(12gC)=0.412mol\nH=0.519gH*(1molH)/(1gH)=0.519mol\nN=2.885gN*(1molN)/(14gN)=0.206molN\nO=1.648gO*(1molO)/(16gO) =0.103molO

Then, each element's subscripts is found to be:

C=(0.412)/(0.103)=4\nH=(0.519)/(0.103)=5\nN=(0.206)/(0.103) =2\nO=(0.103)/(0.103)=1

Therefore, the empirical formula is:


Nonetheless, it has a molar mass of 97bg/mol, thereby, by multiplying such formula by 2 one gets:


Which has a molar mass of 194 g/mol being correctly contained in the given interval.

Best regards.

Write a balanced chemical equation for the standard formation reaction of gaseous dinitrogen tetroxide



N_2(g)+2O_2(g)\rightarrow N_2O_4(g)



In this case, considering the required product which is dinitrogen tetroxide whose molecular formula is N₂O₄, by considering its formation reaction which is starting by both gaseous nitrogen and oxygen as shown below:

N_2(g)+O_2(g)\rightarrow N_2O_4(g)

Nevertheless, it should be balance since four oxygen atoms are present at the right side, thus, we obtain:

N_2(g)+2O_2(g)\rightarrow N_2O_4(g)

Best regards.

When a chemical reaction occurs blank happens



In a chemical reaction, reactants contact each other, bonds between atoms in the reactants are broken, and atoms rearrange and form new bonds to make the products.


A piston confines 0.200 mol Ne(g) in 1.20 at 25 degree C. Two experiments are performed. (a) The gas is allowed to expand through an additional 1.20 L against a constant of 1.00atm. (b) The gas is allowed to expand reversibly and isothermally to the same final volume. Please calculate the work done by the gas system in these two processes, respectively. Which process does more work? (revised from 6/e exercise 8.11) Please show calculation details.



The second experiment (reversible path) does more work


Step 1:

A piston confines 0.200 mol Ne(g) in 1.20L at 25 degree °C

(a) The gas is allowed to expand through an additional 1.20 L against a constant of 1.00atm

Irreversible path: w =-Pex*ΔV

⇒ with Pex = 1.00 atm

⇒ with ΔV = 1.20 L

W = -(1.00 atm) * 1.20 L

W = -1.20L*atm *101.325 J /1 L*atm = -121.59 J

(b) The gas is allowed to expand reversibly and isothermally to the same final volume.

W = -nRTln(Vfinal/Vinitial)

⇒ with n = the number of moles = 0.200

⇒ with R = gas constant = 8.3145 J/K*mol

⇒ with T = 298 Kelvin

⇒ with Vfinal/Vinitial  = 2.40/1.20 = 2

W = -(0.200mol) * 8.3145 J/K*mol *298K *ln(2.4/1.2)

W = -343.5 J

The second experiment (reversible path) does more work

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the difference is they arnt close



China is communist, Europe isn't.


Compute the repeat unit molecular weight of polystyrene. (b) Compute the number-average molecular weight for a polystyrene for which the degree of polymerization is 23000.


Answer :

(a) The repeat unit is, styrene

(b) The number-average molecular weight is, 2392000 g/mol

Explanation :

First we have to calculate the repeat unit molecular weight of polystyrene.

As, the repeat unit is, styrene having chemical formula C_8H_8

Molecular weight of repeat unit = 8 × C + 8 × H

Molecular weight of repeat unit = 8 × 12 g/mol + 8 × 1 g/mol

Molecular weight of repeat unit = 104 g/mol

Now we have to calculate the number-average molecular weight.

Number-average molecular weight = Average repeat molecular weight × Degree of polymerization

Number-average molecular weight = (104 g/mol) × (23000)

Number-average molecular weight = 2392000 g/mol

Thus, the number-average molecular weight is, 2392000 g/mol

Final answer:

The repeat unit molecular weight of polystyrene is 104.15 g/mol. The average molecular weight of polystyrene with a polymerization degree of 23000 is approximately 2,395,450 g/mol.


To answer this question, we first need to understand that the repeating unit in polystyrene is the styrene monomer, which is C8H8. The molecular weight of this unit can be calculated by adding up the atomic weights of all the atoms in the monomer. The atomic weights of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and styrene-based on the periodic table are approximately 12.01 amu, 1.01 amu, and 104.15 g/mol respectively. This gives a total of 104.15 g/mol for the repeat unit molecular weight of polystyrene.

Given that the degree of polymerization is 23000, we can calculate the number-average molecular weight by multiplying the repeat unit molecular weight (104.15 g/mol) by the degree of polymerization (23000). This gives a total of approximately 2,395,450 g/mol for the number-average molecular weight.

Learn more about Molecular Weight here:
