There were few roads in the West, so farmers shipped their crops down the Mississippi to the port at New Orleans. From there, the goods were shipped to markets in the East.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
A pesar de que no anexas opciones o incisos para responder, ni tampoco especificas a qué país te refieres, podemos comentar lo siguiente.
Vamos a poner el caso de México, que es similar a la mayoría de países en Latinoamericana.
Te conviertes en ciudadano cuando llegas a la mayoría de edad, que en este caso es los 18 años cumplidos. En este momento te conviertes en miembro formal de la comunidad porque estás adquiriendo los derechos y las obligaciones que marca la Constitución.
Entre otras, ya eres capaz de decidir por ti mismo, de acuerdo a la ley, ya no eres considerado menor de edad, y ya puedes sacar ti credencia de identidad nacional para poder votar en las elecciones.
Answer: experimenting with multiple substances
Explanation:because it says melting point of a new substance so that is the project there is no need to try it out with other substances if what he is trying to find is one
experimenting with multiple substances
Poor sanitation is linked to transmission of diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid and polio and exacerbates stunting. Poor sanitation reduces human well-being, social and economic development due to impacts such as anxiety, risk of sexual assault, and lost educational opportunities.
Answer: A middle-aged man wears jeans to a black-tie wedding.
Both sociology and psychiatry examine deviant behavior, which is any conduct that goes against the general norms of society.
A teenager texting a lot is the expected behavior of someone at that age. Wearing a short skirt and makeup is the expected behavior of women in a night out.
Up to the twentieth century, social protests were considered as deviant behavior, because they were seen as indicative of a malfunction in the social fabric, but researchers now study the rational and instrumental aspects of political demonstrations.
Only the case of a middle-aged man going against the rules of a black-tie wedding could be considered as deviant behavior.
In the case, Grant has been arrested for illegal possession of weapons. In the context of the case, moreover, it can be seen that there is a threat with weapons to his ex-wife. Therefore, if I were the judge that has to grant him the probation, the conditions that would apply to Grant would be the following:
-The capture of the weapon involved and its suspension for 5 years to acquire all other weapons legally. Thus, it would punish the crime of illegal possession and, in case of re-incurring it, it would punish it effectively.
-The participation in a course of misogynous violence, so that it identifies the seriousness of its acts and acquires the necessary knowledge to modify its conduct.