An important role of fungi in an ecosystem is A) performing photosynthesis. B) breaking down dead organisms C) making alcohol D) killing bacteria


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is B-breaking down dead organisms, because fungi are parasites and they live on trees in forests. Mushrooms are a result of fungi.

I explained this time , because always , my answers get reported.
Answer 2

The answer to your question is

B. breaking down dead organisms.

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Que sistemas artificiales utiliza el hombre para recoger agua que sistemas existen de forma natural



Haciendo almacenamiento y excavación en un área grande, mientras que los estanques son los sistemas utilizados para recolectar agua.


El sistema artificial que el hombre usa para recolectar agua es la construcción de un gran almacenamiento de concreto y la excavación de un gran terreno que recolecta agua de lluvia y puede ser utilizado por la gente para su uso diario, mientras que por otro lado, los estanques son el sistema natural donde el agua del la lluvia se acumula naturalmente. Esta agua es utilizada por la población que vive alrededor de ese estanque. Ambos sistemas proporcionan agua para el uso diario, como lavar, beber y cocinar, etc.

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What can break down waste and dead organisms into nutrients?Producer
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Example: Mushrooms.




Decomposers are vital organisms that grow by breaking down dead and decaying matter. Some of these are scavengers - macro-organisms that feed on dead or decaying matter, e.g. flies, cockroaches, earthworms. Others are decomposers, generally microscopic bacteria and fungi, that break down wastes.

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i believe its the artery on my opinion

Which government agency would you expect to be most concerned with the impacts of pollution?


Probably the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency also known as the EPA.  They are charged with protecting people and the environment by enforcing regulations that prevent pollution.  If they find any violation committed they can impose sanctions and fines as well as imprisonment depending on the nature of the offense.


its a did the test on edge


The oral contraceptive pill, informally called "the pill" contains an estrogen and progesterone or a synthetic mimic of this hormone. The combination of these two hormones taken in the pill and circulating in the blood works becauseSelect one:a. The hormones cause the woman's body to mimic the activities of a pregnancy and disrupt the ovarian cycle, preventing ovulation.b. The hormones cause a thickening of the mucus plug at the cervix that prevents sperm from penetrating the womb and reaching the ovulated egg.c. The hormones create an acid condition in the vagina that acts as a spermicide.d. The hormones prevent the proliferative or secretory phase of the menstrual cycle and the embryo will have no place to implant.


Answer:a. The hormones cause the woman's body to mimic the activities of a pregnancy and disrupt the ovarian cycle, preventing ovulation


Pills either as real subtance or synthetic form(Placebo) exhibit effect on ovulation ,by suppressing it thereby mimicking pregnancy.

Since ovulation is suppressed fertilization can not take place,no egg/ovum is released to be fertilized by the sperms.

Final answer:

The pill works by releasing estrogen and progesterone into the body. These hormones prevent ovulation and thicken the mucus plug at the cervix, making it harder for sperm to reach the egg.


The oral contraceptive pill, also known as 'the pill', contains hormones that have two main effects. The first is that they change the hormonal balance in the woman's body, making it behave as if it is already pregnant. That's because the hormones estrogen and progesterone prevent ovulation—the release of an egg from the ovaries. Without an egg to fertilize, pregnancy can't occur.

The second effect is that these hormones change the lining of the womb to make it less likely to accept a fertilized egg, and they thicken the mucus plug at the cervix, making it more difficult for sperm to reach an egg in the uterus. So, the correct answers to your question are a and b.

Learn more about Oral Contraceptive Pill here: