What are some similarities between the American westward expansion and European Imperialism?


Answer 1
Answer: Jsjsjwjwjsbshajqnbsyxuana
Answer 2

westward expancion, like imperialism, suported the idea that all people who did not act in the same way as the white americans in the case of westward expancion or the white europeans who supported early impearealism. they both wanted to change everyone to be exactly the same, with the same culture and believes.

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Upbringing, the instruction, and learning, that is, of its expected citizens, is probably the most powerful organization in antique Sparta. From antiquity and until now the way of Spartan upbringing has exactly and almost completely been connected with thoughts, such as compliance, loyalty, the city camp, absolute faith, and the exemplary soldier; as well as with the unique way the Spartan training was implemented and applied.

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it established governance for the Northwest Territories of Cananda.

Final answer:

The result of the Land Ordinance of 1787 was the creation of the Northwest Territory, banning slavery north of the Ohio River, and establishing an orderly process for admitting new states.


The result of the Land Ordinance of 1787 was the creation of the Northwest Territory as an incorporated territory. It also banned slavery north of the Ohio River and established an orderly method for the admission of new states. The territory eventually became the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Learn more about Land Ordinance of 1787 here:



What similarities do you see between the United States today and the United States of the past? What issues and problems do we continue to grapple with? What successes do we share with Americans in the past? Give specific historical examples to back up your answers.


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Though no longer a series of colonies, the United States retains close ties to Britain as __________.a. a commonwealth
b. a dependency
c. a dominion
d. part of a “special relationship”


Though no longer a series of colonies, the United States retains close ties to Britain as "d. part of a “special relationship”" since trade between these two nations benefits both immensely. 

The answer is D
