"Failure is a great teacher, and I think when you make mistakes and you recover from them and you treat them as valuable learning experiences, then you've got something to share."Steve Harvey Do you agree? Why?


Answer 1
Answer: All you really need to do is share your opinion. A great way to help with questions like this is to simplify the question. Just simply ask yourself what is this question asking me. You would basically simplify this question down to. Do you think that failure is a good teacher? Why or why not? If you answer that question you will have the correct response for this question.
Answer 2
Answer: Here is something that I would personally answer with, though I'm not sure what YOU believe. 

I do agree with Steve Harvey, on that. When you fall, it is very important to get back up. For example, imagine you fall to the ground riding a bike because you were looking at a bird. What would you do differently next time? I would concentrate on my biking skills, and not doze off, just for the sake of my safety, and other's safety.

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The correct answer is

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*Hope this helps
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Hope this helps ♥︎☀︎☁︎

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