I'm Spanish how do you say we both like to practice for basketball and listen to music in our free time


Answer 1
Answer: Me gusta practicar basquetbol y escuchar música en nuestro tiempo libre.
Answer 2
Answer: A los dos nos gusta practicar baloncesto y escuchar música en nuestro tiempo libre

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1. Mary
sociable and comical.



If you need a spanish translation its

Mary es sociable y comica.




Which word best completes the following question?que dia _____ hoy?
a. soy
b. eres
c. es
d. somos

which word best completes the response to the following question?
de donde eres _____ de colombia
a. soy
b. eres
c. sois
d. son

which word best completes the following statement?
ellos _____ catolicos
a. soy
b. eres
c. es
d. son

which of the following cuts of meat can be typically found at un asado but not at a barbecue?
a. chuck
b. sirloin
c. ribs
d. blade steak





4)Blade steak

5)(if you need it) D. people of all ages and income levels...

Which word best completes the following question?
que dia _____ hoy? 
c. es

The choice is easy because we need to find a verb that works with "hoy" and that is "es" = we need a third person singular. The other forms are all not third person singular. 

which word best completes the response to the following question?
de donde eres _____ de colombia 
a. soy

Hewe we need a first person singular - it is an answer to the question of "eres" = so the person wil answer "I am " - soy

which word best completes the following statement?
ellos _____ catolicos
d. son 

Here we need "they are" - so "son" . they are catholic. 

which of the following cuts of meat can be typically found at un asado but not at a barbecue?
b. sirloin 

The meet known for Asado is Sirloin - a steack cut from the back of the animal . Especially ribs are well known barbecue meat!

Sobre que suelen tratar los proverbios y los refranes ?



Español = ¿Qué es un proverbio? Un proverbio es un dicho breve y conciso que expresa una verdad o consejo tradicionalmente sostenido, basado en el sentido común o la experiencia. Nada define una cultura tan claramente como su lenguaje, y el elemento del lenguaje que mejor encapsula los valores y creencias de una sociedad son sus proverbios.

English= What is a proverb? A proverb is a short and concise saying that expresses a truth or advice traditionally held, based on common sense or experience. Nothing defines a culture as clearly as its language, and the element of language that best encapsulates the values ​​and beliefs of a society is its proverbs.



Select the direct object pronoun that best completes this sentence: Ana y Claudia __________ traen. (los manteles)



when talking about direct objects, the pronoun you use is talking about what or whom in the sentence.

Question 1 with 2 blanksElla muy inteligente y también una chica muy simpática. Question 2 with 1 blankElena soltera, pero desde hace un año sale con un chico, Ernesto, y se llevan bien... Question 3 with 3 blanksElena y Ernesto de Miami. Elena segura y tranquila, pero ahora un poco preocupada porque Ernesto se siente inseguro. Question 4 with 1 blankEs por eso que Elena agobiada y espera que Ernesto se sienta mejor pronto. Question 5 with 2 blanksAunque Elena y Ernesto estudiantes, ellos trabajan a tiempo completo (full-time) porque ahorrando dinero para casarse. Question 6 with 3 blanksAhora las cinco de la mañana. Elena no en la cama todavía porque estudiando para un examen.



1. Ella ES muy inteligente y también ES una chica muy simpática.

2. Elena ESTÁ  soltera, pero desde hace un año sale con un chico, Ernesto, y se llevan bien.

3. Elena y Ernesto SON de Miami. Elena ES segura y tranquila, pero ahora ESTÁ un poco preocupada porque Ernesto se siente inseguro.

4. Es por eso que Elena ESTÁ agobiada y espera que Ernesto se sienta mejor pronto.

5. Aunque Elena y Ernesto SON estudiantes, ellos trabajan a tiempo completo (full-time) porque ESTÁN ahorrando dinero para casarse.

6. Ahora SON las cinco de la mañana. Elena no ESTÁ en la cama todavía porque ESTÁ estudiando para un examen.


You must fill in the blanks with the correct form of the ver ¨ser o estar¨(be)


1. She IS very smart and she IS also a very nice girl.

2. Elena IS single, but she has been dating a boy, Ernesto, for a year now and they get along well.

3. Elena and Ernesto ARE from Miami. Elena IS confident and calm, but now she IS a little worried because Ernesto is feeling insecure.

4. That's why Elena IS overwhelmed and hopes that Ernesto will feel better soon.

5. Although Elena and Ernesto ARE students, they work full-time because they ARE saving money to get married.

6. It's now five in the morning. Elena is not in bed yet because she IS studying for an exam.

¿Qué __________ __________ hacer a Juan en vacaciones?


Right answer:

le gusta

In this sentence, we have two words. First, le is the indirect object pronoun that matches the third person singular. An Indirect Object Pronoun is a person that receives the action of a verb indirectly. Its purpose is to tell you to whom or for whom something is done. So the action of this sentence is being performed for Juan, that is, for him. On the other hand, since after the second blank comes an infinitive verb, then the conjugation of the verb gustar must match the third person singular, which is gusta. Finally:

¿Qué le gusta hacer a Juan en vacaciones?

Que le gusta hacer a Juan en vacaciones?