Its "veia" cause its an action that happens multiple times in the past.
"Vi" would mean that only happens once.
Who is a Latina who puts her talent for all those who want to feel good? It is the Colombian actress Sofia Vergara, who began working as a model in her country and later did the crossover and worked in soap operas in Miami. With great effort, her talent was accepted in Hollywood and today she is a famous Latina in the United States. He acts in movies and on television series such as Modern Family. In addition, Sofia Vergara tries to make her audience feel good not only with her work as an actress, but also with a clothing line and beauty products. After all, looking good, one feels mentally good. But that is not all. Vergara also began to collaborate from New York in an educational campaign about hypothyroidism, a disease that she has. Sofia Vergara is a Latina who cares about people and puts her talent and sympathy for everyone who wants to feel good.
go to another page
copy and paste in the box
there u go
if another language
go to the
english bar
put in whatever language u need
and go to the spanish bar
and press english
In order to successfully complete this exercise, you have to fill-in the blanks in each of the sentences, choosing the most appropriate alternative from the ones provided in each case. You have to pay attention to the context in order to complete the exercises with the correct option and produce logical sentences.
1. Laura va a someterse a una operación de apendicitis.
someterse - autosubvencionarse - condenarse
2. Su familia tiene ingresos suficientes para pagar sus estudios.
mentes - propietarios - ingresos
3. Prefiero llevar gafas porque las lentillas me irritan los ojos.
editoriales - claves - lentillas
4. Raquel prefiere autosubvencionarse sus estudios trabajando antes que pedirle dinero a sus padres.
autosubvencionarse - hacerse pasar por - aprovecharse
5. Sara y yo queremos ponernos serias con nuestras clases de francés.
saltarnos una ley - ponernos serias - hacernos pasar
1. 2:30 (dos y media) half past two.
2. 4:45 (cinco menos cuarto) a quarter to five.
3. 6:45 (siete menos cuarto) a quarter to seven.
4. 12:30 (doce y media) half past twelve.
5. 7:00 (siete en punto) seven o'clock.
6. 1:00 (una en punto) one o'clock.
7. 11:00 (once en punto) eleven o'clock.
8. 8:00 (ocho en punto) eight o'clock.
9. 10:00 (diez en punto) ten o'clock.
On analog watches, the small clock hand shows the hours (hour hand). It goes once around the clock every 12 hours (half a day). The large hand points to the minutes (minute hand). It goes once around the clock every 60 minutes (one hour).