a man exerts 3000.00N of force to push a car 35.00 meters in 90.00 seconds.... 1. what is the work done 2.what is the power generated


Answer 1
Answer: 1).  Work = (force) x (distance)

Work = (3,000 newtons) x (35 meters) = 105,000 newton-meters = 105,000 joules

2).  Power = (work) / (time)

Power = (105,000 joules) / (90 seconds)
                                         = 1,166-2/3 joules per second = 1,166 and 2/3 watts .

That's no ordinary man.
1,166 watts is the same as roughly 1.6 horsepower.
Not too many people can sustain 1 horsepower or more for 90 seconds.

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what is the free-fall acceleration at the surface of the jupiter?you may have submitted the value posted in the internet. recall newton's law of universal gravitation and use the values for jupiter's mass and mean radius from the textbook.no credit lost. try again.



The formula for acceleration due to gravity at the surface of a celestial body is:

a = (G * M) / r^2


G (the gravitational constant) is approximately 6.67430 x 10^-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2.

M (the mass of Jupiter) is approximately 1.898 x 10^27 kilograms.

r (the mean radius of Jupiter) is approximately 71,492,000 meters.

Now, let's calculate it:

a = (6.67430 x 10^-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2 * 1.898 x 10^27 kg) / (71,492,000 meters)^2

a ≈ 24.79 m/s^2

So, the free-fall acceleration at the surface of Jupiter is approximately 24.79 m/s^2.

Final answer:

The free-fall acceleration on the surface of Jupiter (g) is calculated by using Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation (g = G * M / r^2), where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of Jupiter and r is the radius of Jupiter.


To calculate the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of Jupiter, we can use Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation. It states that the force of gravity is equal to the gravitational constant (G) times the mass of the body (in this case, Jupiter) divided by the radius of the body squared. The formula can be expressed as F = G * (M * m / r^2), where F is the force of gravity, G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the larger body (Jupiter), m is the mass of the smaller body (object in question), and r is the distance between the centers of the two bodies - which is the radius of Jupiter when the object is on its surface.

The formula to find the acceleration due to gravity (g) on the surface of Jupiter is found by setting the weight of an object (F = m*g) equal to the gravity force (F = G * (M * m / r^2)) leading to the cancellation of the mass of the object (m). That results in g = G * M / r^2. This means that the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of Jupiter depends on the mass of Jupiter and the radius of Jupiter, and not on the mass of the object.

Learn more about Jupiter's Free-fall Acceleration here:



Could anyone help me figure out d and e? How can you find the work of the friction when the force of friction is not given?


Wow !  This is not simple, Shoot, and I give you a lot of credit
and an extra merit badge if you're generally keeping up with it.

I scratched my head for a few minutes, and I think I've got it.
Here's what I think is going on:

KE₁ = KE of the box before pushing
               (1/2) (m) (speed²) = 10 x 2² = 40 joules

KE₂ = KE of the box after pushing 3m
               (1/2) (m) (speed²) = 10 x 4² = 160 joules

The box gained (160 - 40) = 120 J of kinetic energy.

Now look at the cluttered force diagram.
Cat's component of force in the direction of motion is 120N.
That's the part of her force that does the work on the box.
How much work does she do ?

     (force) x (distance) = (120N) x (3m) = 360 joules .

Only 120 J of that energy showed up as increased kinetic energy
of the box.  The other 240J of her hard-earned work was consumed
by friction.

       Work of friction = (Friction force) x (distance)

               240 J        = (friction force)  x  (3 m)

              240 J / 3 m  =  friction 'force'  =  80 N . 

I think that's it.

What I did was:

-- Find the work that Cat did.

-- Find the increase in the kinetic energy of the box.

-- The difference ... the 'missing energy' ... was the work done
by friction in the same distance.

Does this do anything for you ?

As you run toward a source of sound, you perceive the frequency of that sound to


As you run toward a source of sound, you perceive the frequency of that sound to decrease.


Doppler's effect is a principle used to describe the frequency and the intensity of sound and wavelengths of a source and observer with the two possibilities.

(i) Stationary sound source and moving observer.

(ii) Moving sound source and a stationary observer. It is a relative motion.

Consider when the observer is moving towards a source, the frequency of the sound will be higher and when moving away from the source, the frequency will decrease.

frequency is the speed of vibration and this determines the pitch of the sound. it is only useful or meaningful for musical sounds. where there is a strongly regular waveform. frequency is measured as the number of wave cycles that occur in one second. the unit that is being measured is (hz)

The image above shows the nucleus of a nitrogen atom. How can the atomic number of nitrogen be determined?A. count the humber of neutrons
B. Count the number of protons
C. Add the number of protons and neutrons
D. count the number of electrons


The atomic number of an atom is the
number of protons in its nucleus.