BMI is used to screen for


Answer 1
Answer: BMI is used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems.
Answer 2
Answer: BMI is used to screen for obesity and overweight healthy weight or underweight

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The answer here is true, overweight people do often have faster resting metabolisms. Although muscle burns more calories than fat, and this is why those who are fitter find it easier to maintain a certain weight, what matters more is the relative amount of fat and muscle in any individual's body. The heavier you are, the more calories needed to maintain your weight, and the more your metabolism will work to keep this going.

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The medullary is best defined as D) marrow-filled cavity where red blood cells are produced. 


marrow-filled cavity where red blood cells are produced.


your welcome

25 POINTS!!!!!!!!A patient who smokes has hypertension. How could smoking have contributed to the patient's hypertension?

A. By constricting the blood vessels
B. By dilating the blood vessels
C. By causing plaque buildup in the arteries
D. By causing blood clots in the arteries


Smoking have contributed to the patient's hypertension by constricting the blood vessels. Correct answer: A The chemical in the cigarettes -nicotine causes the blood vessels to constrict or narrow and this limits the amount of blood that flows to your organs, condition known as hypertension.

Smoking causes constriction of blood vessels that result in hypertension.

Further Explanation:

Smoking is the major cause of death in most of the country. It causes many severe diseases named as cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, bronchitis, cough, pneumonia. Hypertension is a long term disease that occurred due to high blood pressure. It is also referred to as a silent killer because it doesn’t have any signs and symptoms.

Smoke consists of harmful substances and chemicals, which cause inflammation in the lungs. Because of this inflammation, lungs release mucus and cause severe problems. They cause a major disease named as atherosclerosis. In this disease, the wall and lining of the arteries became thick. Also, the abruption of oxygen into the blood is decreased because of the harmful chemicals which are present in a cigarette. Chemicals present in the smoke of citrate cause constriction of the blood vessel. That’s how smoking contributes to high blood pressure.

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Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Health

Chapter: Human health and diseases


Inflammation, lungs, blood vessels, arteries, smoking, cigarette, chemical, oxygen, blood vessels, blood pressure.

Nutrient-dense foods are better than foods that are less nutritious becauseA. nutrient-dense foods have fewer calories than less nutritious foods.
B. nutrient-dense foods taste better than less nutritious foods.
C. less nutritious foods cost more than nutrient-dense foods.
D. nutrient-dense foods give the body protein, vitamins, minerals, and water


The correct answer is D.

What is the BEST strategy to improve flexibility in your legs and back?


Yoga and stretching help improve the flexibility of the back and legs.

Further Explanation:

Flexibility is a very significant part of any fitness program, which is mainly ignored by many people. To perform doable and easy everyday activities, it is required to maintain the muscles. Flexibility helps in preventing any injury. Also, it helps in maintaining the body posture, easy movement of joints, and reduces the stress. They allow a greater range of movement in the joints. Flexibility can be improved by two methods named as:

  • Yoga
  • Stretching

Yoga helps in improving flexibility. Effective stretches also maintain the flexibility that can easily perform at home. Both static and dynamic stretching has its place when it comes to your flexibility. Static stretching involves movement of the muscle into a lengthened position and holding the stretch for an extended period of time; typically, 10 to 60 seconds can help improve the range of movement in a joint. A yoga-style such as Yin or Hatha yoga helps in improving the flexibility of an individual.

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  2. Learn more about core muscle stabilization
  3. Learn more about energy storage

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Health

Topic: Flexibility


Flexibility, improve, static, effective, stretch, yin, Hatha, dynamic, stretching, activities, joints, movement, workout.

By stretching every day to become more flexible

Which of the following contains the most calories/gram?Carbohydrates


Fats are the biomolecules which contains the most calories or grams. Thus, the correct option is C.

What are Fats?

Fat is the term which is often referred to specifically the triglycerides, the triple esters of glycerol, that are the main components of vegetable oils and many of the fatty tissues in animals. Fats are even more narrowly classified, to triglycerides which are solid or semisolid at room temperature range, thus they are excluding oils.

Fats may also be used more broadly as a synonym of lipids. These can be any substance of biological relevance, composed of carbon, hydrogen, or oxygen atom, which is insoluble in water however these are soluble in non-polar solvents. These contain the most amount of calories.

Therefore, the correct option is C.

Learn more about Fats here:


Fats. These build on themselves, and contain more energy. Brainliest please and I could explain more.