Imagine you are hosting a dinner party. Using a demonstrative adjective in each sentence, tell who five different items belong to.Example: Esta bebida es de Mike.


Answer 1

The five sentences using Demonstratives Adjectives are:

  1. Esos chocolates son de Marissa.
  2. Este platillo es de Raúl.
  3. Aquellas bebidas son de Clara.
  4. Estos asientos son de la familia Hernández.
  5. Esa copa de vino es mía.


  1. Those chocolates are from Marissa.
  2. This dish is from Raúl.
  3. Those drinks are Clara's.
  4. These seats are from the Hernández family.
  5. That glass of wine is mine.

Demonstrative Adjectives in Spanish.

This type of adjective serves to indicate in a general way the distance at which an object is located, in addition to providing information about the gender and number of said object. Depending on the distance, the demonstrative adjectives in Spanish are:

Short distance.

  • Este
  • Esta
  • Esto
  • Estas
  • Estos

Medium distance.

  • Ese
  • Esa
  • Eso
  • Esas
  • Esos

Long distance.

  • Aquel
  • Aquella
  • Aquello
  • Aquellas
  • Aquellos

Therefore, when using demonstrative adjectives, in addition to knowing a referent of the distance, the gender and number of the noun to be indicated must be identified in such a way that it agrees with that of the adjective.

If you want to learn more about Demonstrative Adjectives in Spanish, you can visit the following link:

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b. los cheques de viajero

La opción correcta es la B

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el más
la menos
la mejor
el peor


La respuesta de tu pregunta es EL MÁS

Answer:El Mas


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yo nose


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What events led to british defeat at saratoga


If I remember, General Burgoyne of the British army was supposed to meet General Howe (British) and Lt. Colonel Barry St. Leger (British). Burgoyne's plan however failed. Instead of meeting in Albany, Howe went on to Philadelphia and won the Battle of Brandywine which allowed him control of Philadelphia. St. Leger wanted to fight the Americans so he made an alliance with some Iroquois Indians, their leader Joseph Brant (Thayendanega), and formed Fort Stanwix. Benedict Arnold who was seeing this devised a plan where he captured a Loyalist and some Iroquois Indians and spread a rumor that his army was very large. When message reached St. Leger, he retreated immediately to Fort Oswego. Therefore, no one was left to rendezvous with Burgoyne.  Burgoyne's march alone up to Saratoga was slow and he would even throw parties along the way. He also got attacked by rebel sympathizers often. By the time he reached Saratoga, Burgoyne's army was drained and tired and in desperate need of supplies which all contributed to the British defeat at Saratoga. hope this helped :)

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B. segundo párrafo después de la cuarta oración (después de <<en la masa>>)

C. segundo párrafo después de la ultima oración

D. tercer párrafo después de la ultima oración


D. tercer párrafo después de la ultima oración

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¿puedes dejarme solo?... ?porque estas preguntando esta pregunta?
How you say can you leave me alone is, "Puedes dejarme solo?" Hope this helps!