(LONG WAY DOWN) 3. Who is the first ghost on the elevator that visits Will and checks the gun's bullets?


Answer 1


The first ghost is named buck


buck was in the presence of an older brother for Shawn.

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d. because it is future tense 

In the book, To kill a mockingbird, how had Mr. Radley seen it to that his younger son Arthur caused "no further trouble" in Maycomb?


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Which statement about Harriet Tubman is true? A. She led more than 300 slaves to freedom as a conductor on the Underground Railroad. B. She drafted the Seneca Falls Declaration that demanded legal equality for women. C. She worked undercover as a journalist to expose unsafe working conditions in mills. D. She wrote a compelling novel about a slave's life on a fictional southern plantation.


The statement about Harriet Tubman that is true is the one which states that:
She led more than 300 slaves to freedom as a conductor on the Underground Railroad.

Who is Harriet Tubman?

Some important things to note about Harriet Tubman are:

Her code name during the period when she helped slaves to escape was "Moses".

Harriet Tubman also served in the Union Army during the Civil War as a spy, a scout, a guerrilla soldier and as a nurse.

She never lost a slave.

Learn more about Harriet Tubman at:


A) she led more than 300 slaves yo freedom as a conductor on the Underground Railroad.

that's what she is known for

What is the best word to fill in the blank to complete this sentence my brother clung _ to his belief that alfred hitchwingspan was the greatest film derecter of all time.a. coherently
b. stringently
c. pertinacously
d. ineptly


The correct word to use in this sentence ispertinaciously.

“My brother clung PERTINACIOUSLY to his beliefthat Alfre Hitchwingspan was the greatest film director of all time. “

A person who is pertinacious is someone who holdstenaciously to his own beliefs or opinions. When a person has this type ofattitude he/she is usually perceived as being stubborn or obstinate. Being pertinaciouscould also mean that someone is extremely persistent and that no amount ofrecourse could change his beliefs. 
c. PERTINACIOUSLY __________________________________________

What does the Pardoner reveal about the content of his tale to the other pilgrims in 'The Canterbury Tales'?



In "The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer, the Pardoner reveals the content of his tale to the other pilgrims during their journey to Canterbury. The Pardoner is one of the many colorful characters that Chaucer introduces in his collection of stories, and he is known for his corrupt practices as a pardoner.

The Pardoner's tale revolves around the theme of greed and its consequences. He begins by describing how he preaches against the sin of avarice, or excessive greed, and how he uses his position as a pardoner to manipulate people into giving him money in exchange for forgiveness of their sins. However, he openly admits that he himself is guilty of the very sin he condemns.

The Pardoner's tale is a moral fable that serves as a cautionary tale against the dangers of greed and materialism. It tells the story of three young men who set out to find Death and kill him. Along their journey, they encounter an old man who tells them that they can find Death under a nearby tree. When they reach the tree, instead of finding Death, they discover a pile of gold coins.

The presence of the gold coins tempts the three men, and they quickly forget about their original quest to kill Death. They decide to keep the treasure for themselves and plan to carry it back to their village under the cover of darkness. However, one of them is sent to town to fetch food and wine while the other two stay behind to guard the treasure.

While alone with the gold coins, the two remaining men plot to kill their companion upon his return so that they can split the treasure between themselves. However, unbeknownst to them, the companion has also plotted to poison their wine in order to keep all the treasure for himself.

When the companion returns with food and wine, he is stabbed by his friends, and they drink the poisoned wine, resulting in their own deaths. Thus, the tale ends with all three men meeting their demise due to their greed and treachery.

Through his tale, the Pardoner reveals his own hypocrisy and the corrupt nature of his profession. He uses the story as a means to expose the dangers of greed and materialism, highlighting the destructive consequences that can arise from such vices. The Pardoner's intention is to provoke a sense of guilt and self-reflection among his listeners, urging them to repent and seek forgiveness for their sins.

The content of the Pardoner's tale reflects his own character and serves as a critique of the church's practices during Chaucer's time. The Pardoner is depicted as a manipulative figure who exploits people's fears and desires for personal gain. His tale serves as a reminder that true repentance cannot be bought or achieved through material means but requires genuine remorse and a change of heart.

In conclusion, the Pardoner reveals the content of his tale to the other pilgrims in "The Canterbury Tales" as a cautionary fable against greed and materialism. Through his story, he exposes his own hypocrisy and criticizes the corrupt practices of his profession. The tale serves as a moral lesson, urging listeners to reflect on their own sins and seek true repentance.

Important features of modern and postmodern art includea. social satire and an eclectic approach to style.
b. detachment from social influences.
c. rejection of line and form.
d. short brushstrokes and textured surfaces.


Important features of modern and postmodern art include (A) social satire and an eclectic approach to style. Modern and Postmodern art are different artistic works. Modern art denotes the style and philosophy of the art produced during that era. Post modern are is a term used to describe an art movement which was thought to be in contradiction to some aspect of modernism.