What important idea from Thomas Malthus inspired Darwin?


Answer 1
Answer: Not 100%, But in my biology class we discussed this at the beginning of the year. Darwin believed in survival of the fittest. Thomas Malthus believed that there are a lack of resources (food) because of over population.
Answer 2
Answer: Darwin  harbour  was discovered in 1839 by capitan of the beagle  jonh lort stlke , who named it after a former  shipmate , british evolutionary of charles darwin

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Is reproduction necessary for the survival of a species?


Yes. Forms of life cannot survive if they do not reproduce.
Absolutely! If a species does not reproduce, there is no replacement for the declining population and they soon die out.

Which of these of these organisms would most likely be found at the bottom of biomass pyramid?


Producers are the organisms that is present or found at the bottom of biomass pyramid.

What organism present at the bottom of biomass pyramid?

Producers such as algae and plants are the organisms that would most likely be found at the bottom of biomass pyramid because producers are the organisms that make their own food from using the sun energy and feed other organisms present in that ecosystem.

So we can conclude that producers are the organisms that is present or found at the bottom of biomass pyramid.

Learn more about biomass here: brainly.com/question/82777


It seems as though you did not provide answer choices, but a biomass pyramid starts at the primary producers, which then moves up to primary consumers, secondary consumers, and all the way to detritivores. Primary producers are organisms like plants that convert light energy (or other energy) into biomass that other organisms can use.

A _______ is a kind of lipid that can store energy for a long period of time. These lipids are made up of long chains of carbon and oxygen atoms bonded to a backbone structure. A. fat / B. protein / C. nucleic acid / D. carbohydrate


Fat would be the most appropriate answer.

Jordan is a 14 year old middle school student, weighing 275 pounds and is 5’6” tall. Over the past 2 years, he has gained 60 pounds, as he has begun to withdraw from social activities, and avoid other students, due to bullying from others his age about his weight/appearance. Lately, Jordan has been missing a great deal of school too, particularly on the days he has gym. Jordan’s parents are both average in height and weight, and Jordan’s mother says that he just takes after his grandfather William, who “was a husky man, and died of a sudden heart attack at the age of 44”. She says “We just have fat genes in the family; you can’t do anything about that”! He has been told he had “no willpower, or is weak, or that he needed to change his lifestyle, eat less and exercise more.” Jordan says “I go for a couple days without eating, but then I get so hungry that I could eat the couch”! You are the school nurse doing height and weight assessments on the middle school group this year. How would you assess and advise Jordan?


As a part of the height and weight assessment, the school nurse should analyse and evaluate Jordan's BMI, following which proper advice has to be given regarding his weight management.

Jordan's BMI can be calculated as:

BMI = Weight (in kg) ÷ Height² (in m)

From the given data, his weight and height are:

Weight = 275 pounds = 124.74 kg

Height = 5'6'' = 1.68 m

Therefore, his BMI will be = (124.74)/((1.68)^2) = 44.2

According to the calculated BMI, Jordan falls under the category of obesity grade II. This puts him at a risk of lifestyle disorders such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and hypertension.

Jordan must be made aware of the consequences of his weight as well as his eating habits. He should be advised on a proper diet to be followed for reduction of weight and prevention of diseases.

As he has started withdrawal and avoidance, he should also be encouraged to seek counselling. His parents and friends can also be involved in this process, which will provide him with the required motivation and not criticism.

Learn more about weight management in:



Going without eating isn't a solution. For one, that just makes you more hungry and more likely to eat junk food. Secondly, if your body doesn't receive new nutrients, it will start to save the energy it already has. This makes you less likely to lose weight.

Instead of not eating altogether, eat healthy snacks that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates and fat. Vegetables, nuts, and fruits are all great snacks. Come to school more often on gym days, to help you get more exercise, and spend about an hour outside doing physical activities every day. Go for a walk around your neighborhood.

Ignore the bullies, they just feel bad about themselves and take it out on you.

Which color of light do you think will maximize the rate of photosynthesis?


blue and red, with green being the lowest

Which kingdom contains organisms that are multicellular, heterotrophic, eukaryotic, and lack cell walls?


Animalia is the correct answer. Hope it helped you. Please mark as the brainliest answer if it helped




i looked off the other guy