Hanna hypothesizes that granite is denser than sandstone. How can Hanna test her hypothesis? A. Melt each rock down inside a high-temperature furnace, and then measure the volume of the two liquefied rocks. B. Examine the rocks under a hand lens and determine which rock seems to have the largest particles. C. Weigh each rock to determine which is the heaviest, and thus the densest. D. Measure the mass of the rocks with a balance and the volume of the rocks with water and a graduated cylinder. Then calculate their densities.


Answer 1
Answer: D. Measure the mass of the rocks, etc, because Mass divided by volume = density
Answer 2

the answer is D  Measure the mass of the rocks with a balance and the volume of the rocks with water and a graduated cylinder.

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  • The Marshall Plan: was a program of US economic aid to Western European countries after World War II.  This plan proved to be efficient and secured high rates of economic growth for Western European countries in the decades following the end of World War II. The plan also served to create the basis for the so-called Welfare State, which was to be attacked in the 1970s. In addition, the Marshall Plan made it possible to transnationalize Western capitalism, one of the reasons for the victory of the US influence in the Cold War.
  • The Berlin Airlift: The Berlin blockade became one of the biggest crises of the Cold War, triggered when the Soviet Union interrupted rail, road and waterway access to the city of West Berlin. His goal was to force the western powers to leave, thus giving Soviet control over the whole city.  In response, the Western allies organized the Berlin airlift to transport supplies to the people in West Berlin. The United States Air Force and the British Royal Air Force made more than 200,000 flights in a year, with up to 4,700 tons of supplies daily, such as fuel and food for Berliners.

This sentence implies that Leonardo da Vinci was - a. Meticulous b. Familiar c. Grounded d. Distracted


Answer: D. Distracted



I'm not sure what the sentence in question is, but 'Meticulous' would best describe da Vinci as a whole.

Why did Ronald Reagan call the USSR the "Evil Empire"?



2 then 1


The phrase evil empire was first applied to the Soviet Union in 1983 by U.S. President Ronald Reagan, who took an aggressive, hard-line stance that favored matching and exceeding the Soviet Union's strategic and global military capabilities

Explain how a shogun is similar to a general in the army


A shotgun is similar to a general in the army by that like a shotgun it has a trigger and someone could easily pull it and a bullet shoots out and that bullet is like a general's emotion and general is like that. If someone from the other side (not like that other side) could say something that could trigger a general and anger them or any other emotion.  Another reason a shotgun is like a general in the army is that when the shotgun is out of ammo and the shotgun is empty until someone refills the gun (sorry i don't know what the word is) is like when a general gets shot and dies someone has to fill in the space or replace that fallen general.

(Close reading) Based on this document, what were three reasons the Know-Nothings targeted Irish Catholics?



The Know Nothing Party was a political movement in the United States during the 1840s and 1850s. The movement was reinforced by a general fear that the country would be taken over by Irish immigrants, who were often regarded as hostile to US values and ruled by the Pope in Rome. In addition, another of the fears was that immigrants would take jobs away from Americans, and that they would install their own traditions and beliefs in society, making American values a minority. The movement was mainly active from 1854 to 1856, it tried to slow down immigration and naturalization, but the work had little success. There were some prominent leaders and the members, mostly drawn from the middle class and wholly from the ranks of the Protestants, were divided on the issue of slavery. Most eventually joined the Republican Party at the time of the 1860 presidential election.

Final answer:

The Know-Nothings targeted Irish Catholics for three main reasons: fear of job competition caused by immigration, presumptions about their loyalty to the Pope, and a general distrust towards immigrants, driven by their nativist philosophy.


Based on the document, there were three main reasons the Know-Nothings targeted Irish Catholics. First, they were anti-immigration and feared that the Irish immigrants, most of whom were Catholics, were taking jobs and resources from white Americans. This was also fueled by the rapid demographic shift due to the rate of immigration in the 1840s and 1850s.

Second, they presumed Irish Catholics' loyalty to the Pope superseded their loyalty to the United States. This bias was based on the misconception that one's religious beliefs and loyalties could hinder their allegiance towards the country they now resided in.

Third, the Know-Nothings adhered to a philosophy of nativism prizing white Americans with more extended family relationships in the States over recent immigrants thereby,driven by the fear of foreign influences. The string of anarchist assassinations during that period also increased their distrust towards immigrants.

Learn more about Know-Nothings and Irish Catholics here:



Christain humanists believed that


The ability of human beings to reason and improve themselves. They thought that if people read the classics, especially basic works of Christianity, they would become more pious. This inner piety, or inward religious feeling, would bring about a reform of the church and society. Christian humanists believed that in order to change society, first you must have to change humans.

Answer: Okay, just to get the whole record straight about Christains: Christains don't just believe in " Christian humanists believed that in order to change society, first you must have to change humans." I mean yes they do want to make the world a better place, but there's more to it then " Inward Pity," or " Becoming More Pious." The main belief in a daily Christains life is that if you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour then you'll be saved from the everlasting tourmet of fire. It's not something to feel an inward feeling of guilt, and to become Pious. Instead, Christains want people to go to heaven, living with joy in the afterlife. Not to make someone have " Inward Pity about themselves," or " Becoming More Pious." Christains believe in everything that their Holy Book says, called the " Bible."

Explanation: The bolded words are the answer to this question, and the rest is just explanation of Christainity to keep the record straight.